I am sorry for this late response concerning the documentation of Amikit under E-uae/Linux Currently I have an enormous work for the TEAM of Trackman Univers,
with the pack AmiphoneX .Suivant my serviceable time I Amikit test under linux to test a complete installation and either from a file already installed under win Xp. Donc documentation will not be able to be made,je will see this later on according to my possibilities. I think that Amikit can be compatible with Hi-toro Osx.
I present to you the congratulations of the person in charge for AmpiphoneX, it forwards to you his respect towards all the team of Amikit.
Here our work > AmiphoneX
The launcher of AmiphoneX:
capcapcapcapcapcapAmiga 500 with a DH0 :
capCd OS3.9 is obligatory to install AmiphoneX1.55
New Version >Amiphonex 1.6 :
Screenshot of my personal version, it is used to me as betaTest for AmiphoneX1.6 the software will not be included in the pack
All the software in my personal version is only installed to test the power of the emulation Amiga. Arf!, Winuae it is a good emulator, one of best
capcapcapI must withdraw the os3.9
AmiphoneX Os3.5:
capHere With the launching of demonstration TBL Starstruk.exe
capcapHere with Amikit. There I worked on your Amikit
capAmiphoneX World media not of download for the users:
capAmiGame, Our last project soon in Download:
capcapcapcapcapcapOur first FrontEnd AmiGame here in test in a VMware emulator under Windows 98 .
capThis emulator is free and you can launch a UBuntu partition .
but the emulation of E-uae is not very good Ce which seems normal to me, it is an emulation in an emulation.
cap@Tarzin , Il met tr?s difficile d'utiliser un traducteur ,je ne sais pas si la traduction est bonne .Si tu veux il me sera possible
de te donner des informations concernant mes Tests avec Amikit/Linux .Je peux ?galement te dire qu'il ne sera pas seul ,puisque mon intention est de
tester Amigasys et AIAB .
Lancer la partition systeme de Amikit/linux m'a donn?e autant de satisfactions que notre propre pack AmiphoneX,ils ont fait un travail de professionnel.
@Tarzin, It puts very difficult to use a translator,je do not know if the translation is good Si you want it will be possible for me
to give you information concerning my Tests with Amikit/Linux Je can also say you that it will not be alone, since my intention is of
I can also say you that it will not be alone, since my intention is to test Amigasys and AIAB.
To launch the partition system of Amikit/linux gave me as many satisfactions as our clean pack AmiphoneX.Team Amikit they did a work of professional
All my excuses has the TEAM de Amikit for my French paragraph
To please to you:. Amikit with the partitions Windows and Cd Rom
capWith the French translation of Amikit like your site, allows has much French to exploit it under good conditions