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AmiKit / French News

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Author Tarzin
#1 Posted: 8 Apr 2006 11:04 
Many informations have already been given but I think it's easier to sum up all french news about Amikit in the same post.

A french review of Amikit has already been written:

Another review will be soon released in Amiga Power n?34:

Installation of Amikit is now localised in French.

Author Tarzin
#2 Posted: 18 Apr 2006 09:46 
Issue 34 with Amikit French review is available!!

See on web site for more informations.


Author Tarzin
#3 Posted: 17 May 2006 11:24 
1) French translation for AmiKit 1.1.3 update is coming.

2) French translation for AmiKit webiste is "nearly ready" (about 80% is done). Please, be patient...

Author Tarzin
#4 Posted: 11 Jul 2006 17:27 
French translation for Dopus user menu has been done!

Don't know if it'll be possible to download it from Amikit's website for the moment.
If you want the file, send me an email.

More to come...

Author Tarzin
#5 Posted: 26 Jul 2006 13:07 
French translation for AmiKit webiste is ready.
Will be set on line by Amikit..... very soon.

When it'll be on line, don't hesitate to report to me all translation errors (may be possible.)
Thanks, comments are welcome.

Author Tarzin
#6 Posted: 27 Jul 2006 09:47 
Nice to see that French version is On Line!

Author Tarzin
#7 Posted: 4 Aug 2006 08:52 
French translation for Dopus lister menu has been done!
File has been sent to Jan yesterday (should be available soon)

More to come...

Author Tarzin
#8 Posted: 11 Aug 2006 08:10 

Amikit is not direclty concerned with this news but it's still usefull!
WinUAE 1.3.1 is available in French.

You can download it here:

Have a nice day!

Author ness62
#9 Posted: 8 Sep 2006 00:48 
I am French Amigaiste and I work also on a pack Amiga. I know Amikit since approximately 1 year and I hold has to congratulate you for this very good Pack.
On your forum you do not speak about Amikit under E-uae Linux, which seems to me well damage , 'it functions very well.

Here some Tests

[url=] cap1 [/url]
[url=] cap2 [/url]

Internet with Amikit, it functions and I would even say very well.
[url=] cap3 [/url]
[url=] cap4 [/url]

The music, it functions well and not too many cuts
[url=] cap5 [/url]

Conclusion: Amikit under linux behaves very well. The launching of Amikit under E-uae 'is made by 'intermediate a Windows partition there or was installed the partition system of Amikit.'had much planting because of AmigaShow96 thus I decontaminated thus that some utilities not very important. Picasso96 was also reinstalled like Screen-mode and its Prefs file in Env-files All these modifications enable me to launch Amikit as well under Winuae/Windows under E-uae/Linux.

I wish you good luck for Amikit under Amithlon

@Tarzin, thank you for all your translations, you did a formidable work. All my excuses if the post is badly interpreted, uses a translator.

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 8 Sep 2006 13:27 
that's great! Would you be interested in writing a comprehensive tutorial (with pictures) on how to install AmiKit under Linux? You don't need to bother with explaining how to extract the files out of the PC installer, I will provide zip archive if needed!

It can write in French, I'll ask someone (Tarzin?;) to translate it into English then...

Author Tarzin
#11 Posted: 9 Sep 2006 11:13 
Hi Jan!

No problem for translation english-> French
French->English can be done too by myself and it'll be corrected by a friend of my wife (who is english!)

@Ness62. Thanks for your comments! Translation is a hard and long job.
Very happy to see you here!! ;-)

Author AmiKit
#12 Posted: 9 Sep 2006 11:29 
Translation is a hard and long job.
...and is very appreciated! :)

Author ness62
#13 Posted: 12 Sep 2006 16:51 

I am sorry for this late response concerning the documentation of Amikit under E-uae/Linux Currently I have an enormous work for the TEAM of Trackman Univers,
with the pack AmiphoneX .Suivant my serviceable time I Amikit test under linux to test a complete installation and either from a file already installed under win Xp. Donc documentation will not be able to be made,je will see this later on according to my possibilities. I think that Amikit can be compatible with Hi-toro Osx.

I present to you the congratulations of the person in charge for AmpiphoneX, it forwards to you his respect towards all the team of Amikit.

Here our work > AmiphoneX

The launcher of AmiphoneX:

Amiga 500 with a DH0 :

Cd OS3.9 is obligatory to install AmiphoneX1.55

New Version >Amiphonex 1.6 :
Screenshot of my personal version, it is used to me as betaTest for AmiphoneX1.6 the software will not be included in the pack
All the software in my personal version is only installed to test the power of the emulation Amiga. Arf!, Winuae it is a good emulator, one of best

I must withdraw the os3.9

AmiphoneX Os3.5:

Here With the launching of demonstration TBL Starstruk.exe

Here with Amikit. There I worked on your Amikit

AmiphoneX World media not of download for the users:

AmiGame, Our last project soon in Download:

Our first FrontEnd AmiGame here in test in a VMware emulator under Windows 98 .


This emulator is free and you can launch a UBuntu partition .
but the emulation of E-uae is not very good Ce which seems normal to me, it is an emulation in an emulation.

@Tarzin , Il met tr?s difficile d'utiliser un traducteur ,je ne sais pas si la traduction est bonne .Si tu veux il me sera possible
de te donner des informations concernant mes Tests avec Amikit/Linux .Je peux ?galement te dire qu'il ne sera pas seul ,puisque mon intention est de
tester Amigasys et AIAB .

Lancer la partition systeme de Amikit/linux m'a donn?e autant de satisfactions que notre propre pack AmiphoneX,ils ont fait un travail de professionnel.

@Tarzin, It puts very difficult to use a translator,je do not know if the translation is good Si you want it will be possible for me
to give you information concerning my Tests with Amikit/Linux Je can also say you that it will not be alone, since my intention is of
I can also say you that it will not be alone, since my intention is to test Amigasys and AIAB.

To launch the partition system of Amikit/linux gave me as many satisfactions as our clean pack AmiphoneX.Team Amikit they did a work of professional

All my excuses has the TEAM de Amikit for my French paragraph

To please to you:. Amikit with the partitions Windows and Cd Rom


With the French translation of Amikit like your site, allows has much French to exploit it under good conditions

Author ness62
#14 Posted: 12 Sep 2006 17:10 
This emulator is free and you can launch a UBuntu partition .
but the emulation of E-uae is not very good Ce which seems normal to me, it is an emulation in an emulation.

Author Tarzin
#15 Posted: 26 Sep 2006 15:14 

If you're coming back to Amiga (with or without an emulator or Amikit) but you don't know where to start, I suggest you to go here:

You'll find all news about olds & recents Amiga, help, a forum, etc...

And all is IN FRENCH!!


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