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Miscellaneous topics AmiKit Support Forum / Miscellaneous topics /  

Running on a raspberry 4. hundred operating system. 12.1. white screen. Please read message below.

Author raydog49036
#1 Posted: 27 Jun 2023 20:13 
when open morpheuz i get a white screen that fills my entire area except for a very small are at the top if i move my mouse you will not see it until you are in that very small space. if you click in small pace the backgrond is now shown and morpheuz is open if i choose any options in morpheuz the white screen happens again. then i repeat same as before. howo i get ride of that white screen when i open morpheuz? it only happens when using morpheuz>

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 3 Jul 2023 22:26 
It seems this was solved by email. A loose cable, most likely.

Miscellaneous topics AmiKit Support Forum / Miscellaneous topics /
 Running on a raspberry 4. hundred operating system. 12.1. white screen. Please read message below.

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