Hello, this is the following .ini file I use with OpenDune 0.9.014 and the music works:
; copy/rename this sample file to «opendune.ini» in the desired location ; and edit it to suit your preferences. ; Lines starting with a semi-colon ';' are comments [opendune] ; supported languages are : english, french and german ;language=french ; directory where the Dune 2 data files are : datadir=data ; directory for save games : ;savedir=data ; «Zoom» factor (from 1 to 4) scalefactor=2 ; Rescaling filter availables : nearest (default), scale2x scalefilter=nearest ; Start OpenDUNE fullscreen if possible fullscreen=0 ; Maximum frame rate (default is 60) framerate=60 ; set camdmidi=1 to enable CAMD MIDI music output camdmidi=1 ; set mt32midi=1 if you output music to a MT-32 device or compatible ; default setting is for GeneralMidi music (Roland SC55) ;mt32midi=1 ; Path to MT32 ROMs (needed when built with munt library) ;mt32rompath=/home/user/mt32roms ; Game behaviour options : dune2_enhanced=1 ;startport_unit_cap=1 ; DEBUG options : ;debug_game=1 ;debug_scenario=1 ;debug_skip_dialogs=1 ;debug_log_game=1 |