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AmiKit and FlowerPot do not work on ARM processor

Author field3d
#1 Posted: 10 Apr 2019 05:47 
I need to open this topic because I cannot install amikit nor flowerpot in Ubuntu 18.04 in a Odroid XU 4. I installed playonlinux and it opens very well. But when I try to run the local script for amikit it ask you the location of the script, then I select the POT_Install_AmiKitX and then appears the legend that in the manual says to ignore. Then I give next and appears a white box I don't see code I just see the legend here is the source code of the script check it carefully and I give next. Then it asks me Amikit x setup. please choose an installation method, use a setup file in my computer. Here like there is no other way I click file in my computer and select the file AmiKitX-Linux.msi and after select that is where the problems begin. Here is the pastebin where is the whole process of installation with the errors. At the end it doesn't create anything, no shortcut no nothing, just a virtual hardrive with a windows directory but nothing more it was not created properly. Here is the paste pin of the amikit:

And about flower put I go to run local script and select the file POL_Install_FlowerPot and in that case is worst does nothing, no windows open no nothing just ignored the script. Here is the last bin of the flowerpot:

How can I install both of them or what could be the cause?

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 10 Apr 2019 11:16 
I am sorry for the inconvenience. I've already notified the author of the Linux script. Thanks for your patience.

Author walkero
#3 Posted: 10 Apr 2019 12:45 
Hello field3d,
Please, correct me if I am wrong, but Odroid XU4 has an ARM CPU. As far as I know, they are not able to run x86 code, so I am not sure if it is able to run windows apps through wine.

Checking the logs I saw the lines below, where it seems Wine crashes because of the wrong architecture of the CPU against what the bin is meant o run (Exec format error)

/usr/share/playonlinux/lib/wine.lib: line 565: /home/odroid/.PlayOnLinux//wine/linux-x86/2.0.2/bin/wine: cannot execute binary file: Exec format error
[POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed

Can you please try to run any other windows application using Wine, and give us your feedback if it worked? Play On Linux has a lot of ready to install applications, and that will be a very straight forward process.

Author field3d
#4 Posted: 10 Apr 2019 17:22 
But how I install something if your script installed nothing. All is broken non functional image inside playonlinux. Where I install or how what you mention?

Author field3d
#5 Posted: 10 Apr 2019 20:13 
I download an exe called Adiirc is a free irc client application. Then in playonlinux I went to install create new virtual image and says:

And there is no icon no nothing also. What could be the problem then to install your scripts?

Author walkero
#6 Posted: 11 Apr 2019 14:26 
Hello again field3d,
Checking your new log it is clear, at least to me, that you are trying to run x86 on ARM CPU, which can't work. The following log lines make clear that wine crashes at this system.

0009:err:process:create_process L"E:\\home\\odroid\\Documents\\AdiIRC64.3.3.exe" not supported on this installation (x86 binary)
wine: Bad EXE format for E:\home\odroid\Documents\AdiIRC64.3.3.exe.
[POL_Wine] Error: Wine seems to have crashed

Author field3d
#7 Posted: 11 Apr 2019 15:24 
Here says can work. But how you fix to playonlinux with your exe. I'm not familiarized with playonlinux:

If not then is not useful this.

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 11 Apr 2019 16:05 
Please be advised that Wine and PlayOnLinux require an Operating System configured for the x86 CPU architecture. ARM is a completely different architecture. It's not possible to run x86 software on ARM processors (or vice versa). The same way it is not possible to run your gasoline car on diesel (or vice versa).

AmiKit and Flower Pot documentation never mentioned anything about ARM support. Our website and documentation state that a Linux capable of running PlayOnLinux software is required. Apparently PlayOnLinux does not work on your Linux. I am sorry.

Author AmiKit
#9 Posted: 15 Apr 2019 15:55 
Topic locked.

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 AmiKit and FlowerPot do not work on ARM processor

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