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New! Text Editor for AmiKitX

Author amikit_noob
#1 Posted: 5 Dec 2017 15:53 

FOLIO Text Editor (from MorphOs) works in AmiKitX using RabbitHole!


It's a lightweight texteditor running online in your javascript browser.

You can add/embed pictures into the text document and edit the size of the pictures using the mouse, right inside the open textdocument
Standard features like font-size, font-style, smiley's, text alignment, save, open, print and more...

How to get FOLIO TextEditor to work on AmiKitX [UN-OFFICIAL but works!]

1) Install Google Chrome in Windows (7)

First make sure you have the latest Google Chrome browser installed in Windows (7)
with all default settings, so that javascript is turned on and works by default in Chrome!

Either set Chrome browser to be the default browser in Windows, or choose that .html files are always opened by Chrome browser
(rightclick on any .html file inside Windows filemanager, choose "Open with...", choose Chrome and choose "Always open with..." click OK)

2) Download and unzip FOLIO TextEditor
Get it here:

(To make it easier: Download the folio zip file to C: or D: drive on Windows harddisk).

In Windows, extract/unzip the file "".

Example of unzipped/extracted file on Windows harddisk:

3) Create the RabbitHole icon for FOLIO TextEditor

In AmiKitX, open the RabbitHole folder.
Right-click on the folder window border.
In the menu, choose View as > Icon Action.
Left-click on any working RabbitHole icon, to select that icon.
Click the "down-arrow" in the top-right part of the RabbitHole window border.
Choose Duplicate in the menu.
A "New filename" window opens, in the bottom field type the name for the new icon: Folio
Click Duplicate button.

If you can't see your new icon in the RabbitHole Folder, then resize the folder window, or rightclick inside the folder window, choose CleanUp, to arrange all icons.

4) Edit the new icon so it opens the FOLIO TextEditor

Inside the RabbitHole folder, rightclick your new Folio icon.
In the menu, choose Edit in Redit.
A text document opens.
Delete ALL text in the document, so it is empty.

Then paste this text inside the empty document:

C:winlaunch >NIL: chrome file:///D:/folio_morphos/Folio/Folio.html

(Make sure the path points to exactly where you unzipped your file on your Windows harddisk)

Save the document (Rightclick inside Redit, choose Project > Save).

Close Redit.

To open/use FOLIO Text Editor, just doubleclick the Folio icon, wait for Chrome browser to open (it automatically loads the Folio.html file) and then the texteditor is ready

5) Change your icon so it uses the real FOLIO icon

In AmiKitX/AmigaOS, find the unzipped Folio folder.

If you downloaded and extracted the .zip file to Windows D: drive,
then open the Windows D: drive inside AmiKitX.
(Doubleclick the "Win D:\ drive" icon on AmiKitX workbench/desktop).

Find and open the unzipped/extracted folder "folio_morphos".
Open the folder "Folio".
(Make sure the open folder is set to View as > Icon Action, like explained before)
There is a blue icon called "Folio.html".

Now open the RabbitHole folder again.
Inside RabbitHole folder, rightclick on your custom Folio icon.
In the menu, choose Information.

A "Information" window opens.

Now in the Folio folder, leftclick the blue "Folio.html" icon to select it, then drag that "Folio.html" icon over to the Information window.

Place the "Folio.html" icon right ontop of the custom icon in the Information window. drop/release the icon, so the Information window now shows the real "Folio.html" icon, and not your own custom Folio icon.

Click Save.

Close the Folio folder.

Now the real Folio TextEditor icon is used for your custom Folio icon.

Doubleclick the real Folio icon inside the RabbitHole folder, to open the texteditor.

And just like that the MorphOS texteditor is available for AmiKitX using RabbitHole


Author amikit_noob
#2 Posted: 5 Dec 2017 18:20 

1) Use Folio texteditor in a seperate window, instead of in a tab in the browser

When Folio Texteditor is running in Chrome browser, click the "Pop up" icon
(icon number 5 counting from left to right) in the Folio menu icons in the top.

2) Save and Open Folio documents

Folio documents are saved as .html files.
To open a saved Folio document, first rename the saved Folio document from .html to .txt
Then open the renamed .txt file in Folio texteditor


Miscellaneous topics AmiKit Support Forum / Miscellaneous topics /
 New! Text Editor for AmiKitX

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