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AmiKit X on Raspberry Pi 3 (Amibian)?

Author JimmiG
#1 Posted: 11 Oct 2017 11:40 
I have set up a dedicated Amiga classic emulation box running Amibian (minimal Linux distro that boots straight to any Amiga config) on the Raspberry Pi 3.
I was wondering if anyone has gotten the latest AmiKit X to work with such a setup?

Can I just buy the Windows version, set up the HDF on my Windows PC using WinUAE, and then transfer the finished HDF over to the Pi? The Pi runs UAE4ARM, while the Windows version uses WinUAE. They are similar in terms of features, but not identical. I know it isn't "officially" supported, but would this cause problems? Are there any components in AmiKit X that rely on WinUAE specifically?

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 11 Oct 2017 18:59 
Hi Jimmi,

we are working on a special RPi version of AmiKit, but it might take a while till it's finished. Meanwhile you can try to modify free AmiKit 8 to see how it works under UAE4ARM (not sure if it can run higher resolutions in 32bit).

Regarding AmiKit X, its Rabbit Hole feature won't work for sure as it really requires WinUAE.

Author JimmiG
#3 Posted: 17 Oct 2017 14:18 
I spent some time trying to make it work, but it was too much effort. For one, it had to be transferred to a new hardfile and probably a different file system too due to limitations with UAE4ARM. Then it would still show a Software Failure error on boot.
So I will stick with ClassicWB on the Pi and use AmiKit X on my desktop and laptop systems. But I will keep an eye out for any future developments

Author DesertBlizzard
#4 Posted: 29 Jun 2018 06:42 
Highly interested in doing this. Think I’ll give it an attempt starting this weekend.

Author Ginger
#5 Posted: 30 Jan 2019 23:25 
Hi, would be really interested in this too. I see the original post was 15 months ago so... when will it be available for Pi 3?

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 31 Jan 2019 00:05 
Hi Ginger, thank you for your interest! Usual life matters interfered with my plan, I believe we all know those. So the priority of the Pi version has decreased and now its ETA is "when it's done". But don't worry, I would love to see AmiKit running on RPi for sure. Sorry I cannot provide any specific date.

Author Ginger
#7 Posted: 31 Jan 2019 22:48 
Undeerstood man, thats a shame as it looks absolutely brilliant. Dont seem to be able to install 3.5 or 3.9 or 4.0 or 4.1 or Amikit on a R Pi. But if you can, that would be just flippin awesome!

Author Ginger
#8 Posted: 20 Feb 2019 21:59 
Done it yet?

Author CBM Amiga
#9 Posted: 8 Apr 2019 03:31 
Are we there yet?? lol j/k.

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 8 Apr 2019 09:13
We're working on something bigger now...

Author DesertBlizzard
#11 Posted: 29 Apr 2019 01:11 
I have had AmiKit X working on my Pi3+ for quite a while now. Overall it works, however, as already mentioned Rabbithole won't work. Furthermore, you won't get audio from AHI. Paula audio works fine. This is a limitation of UAE4ARM at the moment. You also cannot take advantage of all the available RAM since 128MB is all that UAE4ARM will address. Not usually a problem, but I like to use NetSurf 3.8 and the more RAM it can have the better it works. Finally, YMMV, but I had problems with some of my USB controllers being recognized. This is a problem with the underlying Linux. Your controllers may not be a problem.

I have since moved away from the RPi3 to the Tinkerboard. All the came caveats are here also, but performance is much better.

I am super excited to see what's next!

Author ShadowRider
#12 Posted: 20 Feb 2020 11:28 
has anyone tried this with the new Rasberry PI4? as i would like to take advantage of the bluetooth and wifi functions on the PI4

Author Guenter
#13 Posted: 10 Jun 2020 12:14 
Hello DesertBlizzard there is a guide how to install Amikit on Raspberry.
Have Rapberry 3+ and 4+ 4GB Ram.
I also bought Amibian 1.5 ee.

I would be happy to receive an answer from you.
G??nter Germany

Translated with Google.

Miscellaneous topics AmiKit Support Forum / Miscellaneous topics /
 AmiKit X on Raspberry Pi 3 (Amibian)?

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