Change the splash screen of a RabbitHole / Windows (7) program, so splash screen looks more like AmigaAdobe AfterEffects CS4 with custom Amiga splash screen (RabbitHole): program itself (using WindowBlinds Amiga style skin): notice the AE custom icon on the left of Workbench
How to edit a splash screen(Example using AfterEffects CS4):
Download ResourceHacker program for Windows: (scroll to the bottom for .EXE or .ZIP file)
In Windows go to:
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files.
(Copy/Backup the file named "AfterFX.dll" so you have this original file as backup, and paste it on your C: or D: drive or similar).
Now right-click on the file "AfterFX.dll" (in "Support Files" folder).
Choose "Open using Resource Hacker" in the menu.
In Resource Hacker program:
In the left side of the program, doubleclick the "PNG" icon, so it opens / shows a list of files.
Find and right-click on "AE_SPLASH : 1033"
Choose "Save .png resource" to save a local copy of the splash screen image as a .png file.
Save the copy as "AE_SPLASH.png", save it on your Windows C: or D: drive.
Now open AE_SPLASH.png file in Gimp.
Now, to add some Amiga / boingball graphic to the splashscreen, you click
File > Open as Layers > choose a file > click Open.
The graphics file you chose to open, is now a layer on top of the splashscreen.
You can resize, move that graphics so it fits the size of the underlaying splashscreen
(Click on the Move icon, now click on the graphics itself and drag it around, or to resize it:
Click Layer > Scale Layer).
When finished, click File > "Export As...", don't change the name, leave it as AE_SPLASH.png
Click Export, click Export again.
Make sure your customized splashscreen .png file is still the same height and width as the original splashscreen file, and has about the same small file size (think it's about 40-50kb) so the new splashscreen doesn't slow your system down, while loading the program!)
Close Gimp.
Now in ResourceHacker program:
Right-click "AE_SPLASH : 1033" again.
Choose "Replace Resource".
Click "Select File" button.
Find and choose your new customized "AE_SPLASH.png" file, then click Open.
Click "Replace" button.
Now your custom splashscreen image is shown in ResourceHacker, as the new image for "AE_SPLASH : 1033"
In the top menu:
Click File > Exit.
Click Yes to save changes!
Save as "AfterFX.dll" on your Windows C: or D: drive (NOT inside the Support Files folder!).
ResourceHacker program closes by itself.
Now go to your Windows D: drive, find the new custom "AfterFX.dll" file, copy the file, and paste it into
C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files
Click "Copy and Replace" button (the top button) when asked to replace the original file.
If you need admin rights to paste into the folder, then click "Continue" when asked for permission to replace the original file.
Now either open the program from Windows itself, or make a RabbitHole shortcut in AmiKitX:
C:winlaunch >NIL: "C:\Program Files\Adobe\Adobe After Effects CS4\Support Files\AfterFX.exe"
and open it from inside AmiKitX.
When the program loads after a couple of seconds, it now shows your new custom (Amiga style ?) splashscreen.
And that makes a RabbitHole program, feel a little bit more like true Amiga