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Complete modern Amiga 2017/18 (AmiKit X + RabbitHole + Windows 7)

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Author amikit_noob
#16 Posted: 25 Oct 2017 15:03 

(Hi alanwall and fellow AmiKit users, sorry for late reply, real life stuff took all my time, but now back to Amiga/AmiKit X)
(alanwall: I really like your AmiKit setup, those round icons are really cool, I would like to maybe play around with those icons too in my setup

PART 1 of 2

To get a working RabbitHole musicplayer/movieplayer/pdf viewer (in Windows 7, 32Bit), that feels like amiga programs, do this:

Follow the exact same steps as in blogpost #4 where I used Gimp as an example:
( )

But instead of using Gimp as an example, do this (in the same steps as in blogpost #4):

1) Download and install these programs for use with RabbitHole:

QMMP Musicplayer
Go to
then just install it like any other Windows (7) program.

CCCP Movieplayer
Go to
Choose 64-bit or 32-bit version (this guide uses the 32Bit version)
then install it like any other Windows (7) program.

Google Chrome browser as a Pdfviewer:
Go to
then install it like any other Windows (7) program.

2) Creating the RabbitHole icon for each program:

Instead of the name Gimp and
for instance use AmigaAMP2 and for the QMMP Musicplayer icon.

Instead of the name Gimp and
for instance use MoviePlayer and for the CCCP Movieplayer icon.

Instead of the name Gimp and
for instance use Chrome and for the Chrome browser as Pdfviewer icon.

3) Open each program from inside AmiKit X, using the RabbitHole icon:

Follow the original guide in Step 3 in blogpost#4, for editing your new RabbitHole icon(s).

When editing the RabbitHole icon for the QMMP Musicplayer, paste this path inside the empty Redit document:

C:winlaunch >NIL: "C:\Program Files\Qt-based Multimedia Player\qmmp.exe"

Save and exit the Redit texteditor.

When editing the RabbitHole icon for the CCCP Movieplayer, paste this path inside the empty Redit document:

C:winlaunch >NIL: "C:\Program Files\Combined Community Codec Pack\MPC\mpc-hc.exe"

Save and exit the Redit texteditor.

When editing the RabbitHole icon for the Chrome browser, paste this path inside the empty Redit document:

C:winlaunch >NIL: chrome

Save and exit the Redit texteditor.


PART 2 of 2 will follow!

Back before you know it


Author amikit_noob
#17 Posted: 29 Oct 2017 11:28 

PART 2 of 2 of RabbitHole musicplayer/movieplayer/pdf viewer.

When installing the QMMP Musicplayer and CCCP Movieplayer,
make sure that all music file formats are associated with QMMP, and all movie file formats are associated with CCCP.

That means during install of these two programs, maybe you need to choose "Custom settings" (or similar) instead of default settings, to get access to the options, during install, where you can choose all the music fileformats to be opened by QMMP, and all movie formats to be opened by CCCP.

Just like any other Windows program where you associate fileformats to the player, during installation of the player program.

Make QMMP Musicplayer more Amiga-like:

In AmiKit X, inside RabbitHole folder, open QMMP Musicplayer by double-clicking the new icon you created called AmigaAMP2 (or the name you chose for the QMMP icon).

(If you use DeskPins, now make QMMP Musicplayer stay on top of AmiKit X with CTRL + F12)

Change skins/styling
Right-click on QMMP Musicplayer and in the menu that appears, choose "Settings" (CTRL + P).
Then in "Appearance" > "Skins" > click on a new skin with .wsz filename, and click on Close button.

Add more skins to QMMP
Download .wsz skins here:
Google Search for: "wsz skins" or "wsz qmmp skins"

Some Amiga-like skins are:
WinAmp Classic look

To add the new downloaded skins go to "Appearance" > "Skins" > Click the Add button to navigate to the folder on your harddrive, where the .wsz skins should be.

Usually this folder is "C:\Users\name-of-your-computer\.qmmp\skins" (in Windows 7 Ultimate 32bit version).
Once you navigate to your skins folder, select all .wsz skin files, click Open button.
Then in "Appearance" > "Skins", click the Refresh button, to see all your newly added skins, click on the skin you prefer, and click Close button.
Now QMMP should be styled with your new (Amiga-like ?) skin.

Open .mp3 file or netradio stream in QMMP MusicPlayer:
Click the Playlist button on the QMMP player (a small "PL" button to the right of volume slider)
Click the + button > Add File / Directory / URL
Double-click the mp3 file or url inside the Playlist window to start the song or radio stream
(A URL / internet radio stream could be something like: (Example: Danish P6Beat radio station)

I have not yet figured out how to open a .mp3 in QMMP, from inside AmiKit X / AmigaOS folders with .mp3 files.
For now if you double-click a .mp3 file inside AmiKit X / AmigaOS it will launch the Amiga version of AmigaAMP player...
But if you open QMMP from inside AmiKit X, and manually add .mp3 or URL to the playlist, then it works and plays without lag / slowdown.

CCCP MoviePlayer
Open the CCCP MoviePlayer from inside AmiKit X, this will open the MPCHC (Media Player Classic Home Cinema) player window.

If you have not associated all (or most common) movie-file formats with this player yet, then go to:
The top menu in the player window > "View" > "Options": Then Choose "Player" > "Formats" (Click "Run as administrator" button)
Click on the movie file-formats you want this player to open, then click OK button.

Use CCCP Movieplayer to open a .mp4 movie file from inside AmiKit X / AmigaOS folder
Make sure no other movieplayer in Windows (7) is set to be the default movieplayer for the same movie file-formats, as CCCP / MPCHC MoviePlayer!

Inside AmiKit X / AmigaOS, open a Windows drive (C:/ or D:/ or USB or other) or an AmiKit X / AmigaOS drive, that has a modern .mp4 movie file (or other modern encoded movie file that CCCP can play).

Make sure that the movie-file has a name that only contains numbers or letters, no symbols or space between the characters in the name of the file, otherwise the file won't play in CCCP MoviePlayer, when launched from inside AmiKit X file folder! So rename the moviefile to something that makes the file open in the movieplayer

Then just doubleclick the moviefile inside the AmiKit X / AmigaOS file folder, look to the upper left corner of the Workbench bar, it should say "Attempting to launch icon-x", then wait a little for the CCCP MoviePlayer window to appear on top of AmiKit X and watch the movie play automatically

If you watch in windowed mode, and not fullscreen, you can shift between different "looks" if you press the keys 1 or 2 or 3 or 4 on your keyboard.
The player window will shift between "no border and no controls" or "less controls" or "visible border with full controls".

There you have it Playing modern movie files that are opened from inside your Amiga file folders, and the player looks like AmigaOS4 with blue border (very nice alternative to the native Amiga movie players).

Skin/Styling of CCCP MoviePlayer
If you use WindowBlinds with the "AmigaOS4 by Spinal" skin/theme, then the CCCP Movieplayer should already look like an Amiga program with the blue window border!

Open a modern .pdf file in Google Chrome browser, from inside AmiKit X file folder
When Chrome is installed and RabbitHole icon is created (see Part 1 of this post and blogpost #4 in this thread if more info is needed)

then in Windows (7) find a modern .pdf file on your PC, rightclick on the file,
choose "Open with" > "Choose Default Program" >
Click on "Google Chrome" or click "Browse" button and find the .exe file here:
"C:\Program Files\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe"

Click "Open" button.
Click on the "Always use the selected program" button.
Click OK button.

Then inside AmiKit X / AmigaOS, find a modern .pdf file on your Windows drives or Amiga drives, (filename of .pdf file should contain no symbols or space between characters!),
double-click the .pdf file in the AmiKit X / AmigaOS file folder, look to the left top of Workbench bar, it should again say "Attempting to launch Icon-x", then wait a little for Chrome browser to open, and automatically load your pdf file.

And that's how you do it

RabbitHole Music/Streaming/Movie/Pdf programs that look like Amiga programs

Wow, took a couple of hours to make this post ...
But happy to be in the Amiga zone while posting stuff

Back later with more

Author AmiKit
#18 Posted: 29 Oct 2017 12:00 
Btw. the AmiKit Quick Guide also includes "How to add your own Rabbit Hole apps" chapter (page 10).

Author amikit_noob
#19 Posted: 29 Oct 2017 16:37 

EyeCandy "Proof of concept" lol

1440x1050 image:

Showing all the programs in the latest post, working like a charm

QMMP MusicPlayer skinned with .wsz skin, streaming an internet radio station.

CCCP MoviePlayer with AmigaOS4 look, playing a modern encoded .mp4 HD movie file (no lag in fullscreen or window mode),
that is opened from inside the AmiKit X / Amiga's own file folder.

Chrome browser with AmigaOS4 look, used as a modern .pdf file viewer (displaying a pdf of a popular Danish 1990's Commodore Amiga/C64 commercial magazine).


Author alanwall

#20 Posted: 29 Oct 2017 23:02 
You can find my sphere icons here:
and the read me has more info

Author amikit_noob
#21 Posted: 19 Nov 2017 00:39 

How to change the Workbench icon/logo in AmiKitX (replace with your own custom logo):

Read post #9 in this link:

Screenshot will be posted soon!

How to change the text/title in the Workbench in AmiKitX (replace with your own custom text):

In default AmiKitX 10.4.1 settings with DOpus5:
Right-click anywhere on the Amiga desktop, choose Settings > Environment.

In Environment window:

Scroll down to "Miscellaneous"

Click the text inside "Custom Screen Title" and type your own text.

Click Save.

The Workbench should now have your own text displaying

Screenshot will be posted soon!

alanwall, Thanks for the sphere icons, I use some of them now, looks really good


Author amikit_noob
#22 Posted: 19 Nov 2017 15:32 

Screenshot of customized Workbench logo/icon and Workbench title text + custom icons on Amiga desktop.


The image shows what can be achieved with AmiKitX 10.4.1.+ and some creativity

I will be back soon with a tutorial on how to change the icons on the Amiga desktop, so you can
use classic, modern and custom icons in all sizes at the same time, just as my screenshot shows

If you like my AmiKitX/"SuperAmigaOS3.9" setup called "AmiUpdate 1 by amikit_noob", please leave a comment


Author alanwall

#23 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:22 
looking good !
I have spent the last couple days get Executive set upon my desktop
and have also been making AmigaAmp skins and will upload soon.
Have to head to Santa Rosa,California for Thanksgiving and visit
friends who lost everything in the fire

Author alanwall

#24 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 02:22 
looking good !
I have spent the last couple days get Executive set upon my desktop
and have also been making AmigaAmp skins and will upload soon.
Have to head to Santa Rosa,California for Thanksgiving and visit
friends who lost everything in the fire

Author amikit_noob
#25 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 11:25 
alanwall: Executive is that so you can multitask with doing more tasks at the same time on your amiga/amikit ?

Glad you like my "superamiga" setup, I will keep tweaking it untill perfection

Sorry to hear about your friends in California, I hope they are okay
(Real life problems like that makes all the Amiga stuff seem less important...)
But still, Have a Happy Thanksgiving.

(California has always meant alot to me, eventhough I live at the other end of the world. Up until some years ago I always dreamt about moving to California and live there.
California and people from California have somehow always found a way into my life, and I have always looked to California/USA for people to teach me and educate me in things like computerprogramming, the history of Silicon Valley, SanFrancisco, Skateboarding, the culture of USA (and the music like Metallica from SanFrancisco Bay Area).
So California means alot to me, and I'm sad to hear about all the trouble with fires, the Californians have to go through. It must be a very sad and heartbreaking time for them right now!)


Author alanwall

#26 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 21:29 
just uploaded a screen shot of executive
see it here:

Author amikit_noob
#27 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 22:32 
Wow, nice desktop.
Nice application, I did not know about Executive untill now


Author alanwall

#28 Posted: 20 Nov 2017 23:57 
New Zealand ?

Author amikit_noob
#29 Posted: 21 Nov 2017 00:54 

New Zealand ??

What about New Zealand ?

Author amikit_noob
#30 Posted: 23 Nov 2017 00:16 

This is what your AmiKitX 10.4.1. / Amiga could look like and feel like, with some customization (using all my small tutorials in this thread):

Screenshot in the link:


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 Complete modern Amiga 2017/18 (AmiKit X + RabbitHole + Windows 7)

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