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I have a suggestion AmiKit Support Forum / I have a suggestion /  

Experienced AMITHLON users needed!

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 15:51 
If you're interested in helping to create an Amithlon version of AmiKit, please do not hesitate to join the "amikit_amithlon" yahoo group! Since I do not have a time to do the conversion work by myself (and probably because of my poor Amithlon skills as well ;) I'd like to pass this project to you! The aim is to prepare easy-to-install AmiKit package that should work under Amithlon. I am ready to supply information, knowledge and files you need.

Please send an mail to and wait for your authorization from other members.

I have a suggestion AmiKit Support Forum / I have a suggestion /
 Experienced AMITHLON users needed!

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