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I have a suggestion AmiKit Support Forum / I have a suggestion /  

Under this topic I will list some files that have newer versions

Author ancalimon
#1 Posted: 1 Jul 2020 18:32 
I hope I haven't accidentally overwrite these with older versions.

Amikit XE: C:Wait 37.3 (05/04/91)
More recent one: C:Wait 42.1 (12/07/93)

tlsfmem 1.6 vs 1.9
showboards 1.31 vs 1.63
sort 37.3 vs 42.1
requestchoice 39.4 vs 42.2

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 1 Jul 2020 18:56 

the Wait and Sort are system commands and their versions depend on which AmigaOS version did you use to install AmiKit.

The Showboards shows version 2.15 here.

I got the TLSFMem version 1.6 directly from its author. Any newer version was not made by him and is probably unofficial. Btw. TLSFMem is not launched in AmiKit by default. You have to enable it in MorpheuZ > Startup Control.

Anyway, you can enter AmiKit:.recycled directory to see all the deleted files. Or in upper-right cornet of the DOpus lister click the "down-arrow" sign and select Undelete files.

If I can recommend - as soon as you install fresh AmiKit and AmigaOS files, back up AmiKit/AmiKit/AmiKit.hdf file. It contains all Amiga files. Later, if anything goes wrong, you can revert to your backup file without re-installing anything.

Author ancalimon
#3 Posted: 2 Jul 2020 11:07 
versions depend on which AmigaOS version did you use to install AmiKit.

I am confused. I used my OS3.9 CD and then updated everything with Boingbag1, 2, and 3-4.

I was also comparing the fonts and many fonts have different sizes. An example:

Left is Amikit XE with 3.9 and Right is my A4000T with 3.9

This font looks exactly the same but some fonts have differences like one size of helvetica

The Showboards shows version 2.15 here.

The old one was in C: drawer. I might have accidentally put it there.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 2 Jul 2020 12:04 
Despite their names the BoingBags 3 and 4 are not official nor recommended.

AmiKit always includes everything in the most updated and stable way.

If you installed those BB3-4, please re-install AmiKit to avoid problems and instabilities.

Author ancalimon
#5 Posted: 18 Jul 2020 00:25 
Is there a reason you are not using the latest version of Dopus5?

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 18 Jul 2020 08:57 
Bugs, unfortunately.

I have a suggestion AmiKit Support Forum / I have a suggestion /
 Under this topic I will list some files that have newer versions

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