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AmiKit 9 wishlist

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Author Gundam
#1 Posted: 1 Dec 2014 15:04 


Congrats for Amikit 8 release; it gets better and better !

For next version (Amikit 9?), I would like to see an exclusive version of Odyssey web browser; that would make a lot of amikit users happy.

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 1 Dec 2014 18:44 
Hi Gundam and thank you very much for your feedback!

AmiKit 9 can be a combination of 68k and PPC software. No promises, though. And regarding Odyssey? Yeah, thanks to MUI4 the port is now possible!

Author Gundam
#3 Posted: 2 Dec 2014 12:29 

You mean that you're in contact with someone to port Odyssey to amikit ?

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 2 Dec 2014 16:37 
Am I?

Author Gundam
#5 Posted: 7 Dec 2014 18:01 

Can you ask the maintainer of the os4 version of Odyssey browser, to make a port for Amikit ?

Author ccapublic
#6 Posted: 7 Dec 2014 22:39 
@Amikit :

Considering the imminent release of Winuae with PPC emulation, I would have bet you'd give such an answer ;)

This WinUAE release could be a major change in the "Amiga nostalgic" world since buying expensive PPC HW will not be mandatory any more. Wondering how the ecosystem will be impacted...


Author JMA
#7 Posted: 10 Feb 2015 14:05 

For next version, I'd like Amikit to have all copyrighted system files replaced by open source or public domain counterparts, so as NOT to require "activation" any more!

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 10 Feb 2015 16:34 
Ha! That is my dream since AmiKit v1.0 :D

The copyrighted files are SYSTEM files. It's AmigaOS3.x, actually, and it doesn't have any public domain or open source alternatives...

Author JMA
#9 Posted: 10 Feb 2015 17:31 
The copyrighted files are SYSTEM files. It's AmigaOS3.x, actually, and it doesn't have any public domain or open source alternatives...

You could try to replace copyrighted system files with Aros68k counterparts.

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 10 Feb 2015 22:42 
And do such counterparts exist? If so, can you use them to replace AmigaOS completely? And if so, it would be an AROS system then, wouldn't be? Would AmigaOS applications work in such environment?

Author cbm
#11 Posted: 11 Feb 2015 15:27 
And do such counterparts exist? If so, can you use them to replace AmigaOS completely? And if so, it would be an AROS system then, wouldn't be? Would AmigaOS applications work in such environment?


You can get Aros nightly build for 68k amiga (in ISO format; you can use it under Winuae) from here ( ) or alternatively you can get Aros Vision (a distribution of Aros 68k, a bit like Amikit, from here ( ), to study how it is done.

Would AmigaOS applications work in such environment?

Yes, it's possible to run Amiga 68k applications in Aros 68k; Aros 68k uses Zune (an open source clone of MUI), but of course it's possible to also use MUI (for better compatibility)..

You have to use the free Aros 68k roms (get the archive 'amiga-m68k-boot' from ). The roms need at least 2 MB chip ram.

You can go to the official Aros forum ( to seek any help (or you can ask Toni Wilen).

Author AmiKit
#12 Posted: 11 Feb 2015 15:38 
Thanks for the links. I'll check them. I would prefer if someone skilled in AROS could make a proof of concept first. I am not familiar with AROS so it would take me ages I guess.

Author cbm
#13 Posted: 11 Feb 2015 15:42 
...I would prefer if someone skilled in AROS could make a proof of concept first

You can download the Aros Vision distro and see how it is done.

Author AmiKit
#14 Posted: 11 Feb 2015 16:41 
Thanks. If someone skilled in AROS is willing to give it a try, I am ready to provide a support.

Author ccapublic
#15 Posted: 11 Feb 2015 23:08 
Well, Roms and system files are not that expensive these days. Not even to mention than if one really does not want to / can't contribute by buying the amigaos system files and ROM, they are (unfortunately ?) not that hard to find... So I'm not sure this is a problem for amikit adoption.

So net net, I'd personally rather like Jan spending his precious time on new amigaos-based amikit features than in making it kind of an aros distro.

My 2 cents ;)

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