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Amikit on android with emulators like uae4all2

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Author shakenfr
#1 Posted: 15 May 2013 09:11 

Is it possible ? Amikit on Android tablet will be a dream ...


Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 15 May 2013 11:48 
Hi Bruno,

I haven't investigated this option yet, but it seems there's a potential:

Author shakenfr
#3 Posted: 16 May 2013 15:10 
is it interessing to test this ? :

- make a hard file of Amikit
- install amiga roms
- Launch UAE4ALL2 on android and configure it to boot on this hard file

probably it will crash but maybe I could try

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 16 May 2013 18:12 
In that case you can use hardfile from Mac version of AmiKit. In addition some libraries in this version are adjusted to UAE instead of WinUAE.

Author shakenfr
#5 Posted: 19 May 2013 16:39 
without surprise It does'nt work...
I do an OS3.9 installation on the Amikit Hardfile of Amikit, I transfert it on my Asus tablet, I copy the rom file (3.1), I make a conf AGA/1200 profile and it does'nt work both with UAE4all2 and DroidUAE.


Author Anonymous
#6 Posted: 19 May 2013 22:51 
My attemt to run amikit on my android device

Author shakenfr
#7 Posted: 20 May 2013 07:49 
dead link

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 23 May 2013 02:35 
No, the link is not dead. It's just the whole website was offline.

AmiKit on Android looks great! WOW!

I wish it's faster, though.

Author Lubomyr
#9 Posted: 23 May 2013 13:55 
May be reason in extra-slow emulation is using hardfile with amikit from winuae ?

Which libraries in MacUAE is different ?

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 25 May 2013 23:30 
Hi Lubomyr,

Windows version of AmiKit contains several Amiga files that are tied with Windows closely. It's for example vinuaevidrec or winlaunch.

But the most important is the Warp3D support. In Windows version it is provided by Quartex which uses Windows gfx routines directly. While the Mac and Linux versions contains universal library called Wazp3D.

For your Android port you can use Linux version of AmiKit which is supplied in classic file structure instead of hardfile. Or you can use Windows vesion which is supplied in classic file structure too, you just have to install Wazp3D library and rename it to Warp3D.library.

Please keep me updated. I'm really curious how can AmiKit be run and optimized for Android. Feel free to email me to amikit at gmail com


Author Anonymous
#11 Posted: 5 Jun 2013 18:54 
>Warp3D support. In Windows version it is provided by Quartex which uses Windows gfx routines directly.

Why Amikit dont use Wazp3D for Windows version ?
Wazp3D for WINUAE got a soft3d.dll that allow to use hardware OpenGL exactly like QuarkTex did

Alain Thellier - Wazp3D

Author AmiKit
#12 Posted: 5 Jun 2013 19:41 
Hi Alain,

QuarkTex is there since the very first version of AmiKit released in 2005. I discovered Wazp3D later.

What's the difference between QuarkTex and Wazp3D for WinUAE in terms of performance, compatibility, etc?


Author Anonymous
#13 Posted: 6 Jun 2013 16:48 
A long time ago Wazp3D was maded to be more compatible than Quartex...

In fact I only maded Wazp3D because first Quartex wasnt working well on my PC

Since this time there have been some few QuarkTex updates so perhaps now Quartex is 100% compatible (?)
Some Wazp3D users reported me that Wazp3D was more compatible (kas1e,etc...)
Also I suppose that Wazp3D is now faster (with the latest optim. I introduced) but I never maded a side by side comparison Wazp3D <-> QuarkTex for each applications

BTW Wazp3D contain 5% code from QuarkTex
(the call to .dll trick, Open a window as GL overlay, perspective coordinates,etc....)

Alain Thellier - Wazp3D

Author AmiKit
#14 Posted: 6 Jun 2013 19:31 
Thank you for your answer. I will consider the replacement of the QuarkTex. What I appreciate the most is the fact that Wazp3D is still being developed.

I am afraid the change cannot be done via LiveUpdate because the soft3d.dll has to be placed to WinUAE folder which is outside the Amiga area. Or is there a way how to find a path where WinUAE is installed?

Author Lubomyr
#15 Posted: 6 Jun 2013 23:21 
I have some progress
Time of complete run of Amikit now is 7 min.

I prepared HDF-images (600mb) via WinUAE, installed system (3.9) also via WinUAE. Amikit and P96 gfx mode changed to 16bit 800x600. Boot picture been disabled. All other action been on android devices

I tested via e-uae app with HDF linux and mac version. Both version works same. Filesystem mode not tested but must works also.

Some event which i saw on screen when load amikit
after 3:20 i saw background wallpaper apear on screen
after 4:40-4:50 AmiStart apear on screen
after 6:50-7:00 calendar apear on screen (latest event)

It still slow (but not extra slow)
I tested via e-uae app with HDF linux and mac version. Both version works same. Filesystem mode not tested but must works also.

Uae4all2 is much faster then e-uae. But uae4all2 used FAME/C-engine for cpu emulation. FAME/C support only 68EC020 cpu (with 24-bit address bus). Without complete 68020 emulation we can't implement z3ram and picasso96 emulation.

E-UAE-SDL for android

my .uaerc files for amikit:
linux version -
mac version -

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 Amikit on android with emulators like uae4all2

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