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I have a suggestion AmiKit Support Forum / I have a suggestion /  

Would it be possible...

Author LogMan
#1 Posted: 2 May 2012 02:26 
to make AmiKit able to adjust the main AmiKit window size with a grab handle, like in windows, or is that a thing that you can't code and maybe Amiga Forever's problem, being as AmigaOS is the same way. ?

I've found that different screen resolutions are not quite the size I want, and full screen mode is really not what I want.

Probably wishful thinking I know but ...?

Other than that I am really liking AmiKit the more I use it

Author LogMan
#2 Posted: 4 May 2012 17:49 
I just discovered that installing AmiKit by itself and bypassing AmigaForever, that I can resize the window by dragging !

I seem to be missing the floppy/HD icons and fullscreen/1x buttons this way by running AmiKit in stand-alone mode, but I guess I'll have to live with that.

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 5 May 2012 09:49 
Really? Because my answer was going to be that it is not possible, no matter if you use stand-alone AmiKit or the one under AmigaForever. The window itself is still generated by the same program - which is WinUAE in this case.

Check out this comprehensive WinUAE guide, it might be useful for you:

Author LogMan
#4 Posted: 5 May 2012 19:14 
I don't see a way to show you a screen shot here, but I can definitely resize the window when using stand-alone AmiKit.

This is using Vista64 with WinUAE v 2.4 that comes with stand-alone Amikit.

The Amiga Forever 2012 version uses WinUAE v 2.3

Thanks for the winuae guide, much appreciated.

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 Would it be possible...

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