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Installing OS320 and update 1 to latest XE Windows

Author rasvoja
#1 Posted: 17 Oct 2022 02:29 
Using latest XE with no russian locale and bunch of updates. ScalOS and theme.
Morpheus does every little thing right, but fails to see OS 320 CD. Any specific place
where OS 320 and u1 files should be?

OK update

OK update

Failed update

Author rasvoja
#2 Posted: 18 Oct 2022 01:22 
Seems its expected ADFs and OS 320 update is in rabbit bole. Copied there, does not work.
Tried official OS 320, overwrites AmiKit. Upon reboot OS 320, it works until u1 is hand recognoized, AmiKit XE when pointed to OS 3.2.1 ROM A1200 fails to boot.

Author rasvoja
#3 Posted: 18 Oct 2022 03:56 
OK, Morpheus is literal: one needs to put ADF files (ton) out of A320 ADF folder (but not the folder)
and update1 as update1.lha in order for update to work.

Any hand install would instantly kill AmiKit (of update 1, AOS 3.2 can overrun AmiKit and be itself

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 19 Oct 2022 13:44 
I just copied all files from the AmigaOS3.2CD:ADF/ folder to RabbitHole:
I also copied Update3.2.1.lha there, launched MorpheuZ and it installed OS3.2 automatically:

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 Installing OS320 and update 1 to latest XE Windows

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