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Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /  

Not enough memory on AmiKit?

Author Clue Less
#1 Posted: 8 Mar 2006 10:19 

I just installed AmiKit on my Notebook (Samsung X20 XVM 1730 V with AF2005). When AmiKit installs the system files I get a message that there wouldn't be enough space on AmiKit, though there's really a lot of space on all drives! How come? I repeated the install procedure and upgraded to 1.02 to 1.04 before starting AmiKit. Same result. Nonetheless AmiKit works fine so far, although some system files should be missing...!?

Clue Less :o)

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 8 Mar 2006 11:51 
I am confused. There's not enough MEMORY or not enough DISK-SPACE? What the message said exactly and when dit it appeared exactly? What source of system files did you use? Can you make a screenshot please? (Press End+PrintScreen and email me the picture)

Author Clue Less
#3 Posted: 9 Mar 2006 10:29 
Strange... I tried to reproduce this failure but couldn't. I deinstalled everything and installed again... no more error messages. Maybe AmiKit just doesn't like tuesdays? :) The error message (came up during installation of system files from the Amiga Forever 2005 cd (amidst of all the "> > > > > > > > > > > > >"...))said: not enough space on AmiKit, so I guess disk space was meant, though there were 45 gigs free (1.3 gig on system partition and 1 gig ram, so in either way more than enough space).
Anyway, thanks a lot for the quick response!! Can't wait to be with my Amiga tonite :)) You did a great job dude!!

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 10 Mar 2006 11:50 
uff.. nice to hear it works now because I have no idea what was wrong :)

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 Not enough memory on AmiKit?

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