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Boingbag1 install doesn't recognise AmigaOS XL CD

Author Rythmtech
#1 Posted: 20 Nov 2023 21:33 
When trying to install the BoingBags, it fails at BB1 because it asks for Amiga OS3.9 CD but I only have the Amiga OS XL or Amiga OS 3.2 CD's.
Can I just assign: OSXL to OS3.9? Not sure how to do that can someone help if that's the answer... TIA..

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 20 Nov 2023 21:42 
Hi, the BoingBag1 is already pre-installed with AmigaOS XL.

Author Rythmtech
#3 Posted: 20 Nov 2023 21:51 
Hi, thanks for that. Is only BB1 installed?, Do I still need to install BB2,3,4?

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 20 Nov 2023 22:29 
In my opinion, OS3.9 with BB1 is the most stable one. You can install BB2, if you want, and then extra patches on top using Morpheuz, but make sure to backup your AmiKit installation first.

Regarding BB3&4, forget about them. They are not official and brings nothing that would not be in AmiKit already. In fact, AmiKit is a one huge Boing Bag

Hope it helps,
Ján, author

Author Rythmtech
#5 Posted: 21 Nov 2023 04:33 
Thanks Ján... your work is much appreciated.

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 Boingbag1 install doesn't recognise AmigaOS XL CD

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