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Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /  

Enable bootup intro tune

Author andyhants
#1 Posted: 9 Jan 2023 20:05 
Hi again Jan

In AmiKit X there is a lovely short startup tune that plays on boot-up just before it displays the AmiKit X logo which I would really like to enable in my new AmiKit XE configuration. Please can you advise how I can enable this in AmiKit XE ?


Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 9 Jan 2023 21:32 
Hello, right-click on empty desktop and select Settings > Scripts...
Then find and double-click the Startup entry, then click the Add button, change the Command to AmigaDOS and write:

Play16 >NIL: SYS:Prefs/Presets/Sounds/Computer_Start-Up.wav

And then enable «Run asynchronously» flag.

Then click the USE and then SAVE button and you should be all set.

(If it does not work, please check how exactly it is configured in AmiKit X)

Author andyhants
#3 Posted: 19 Jan 2023 21:57 
Thanks Jan - that worked a treat.

Out of interest I checked with my AmiKit X setup & it doesn't use the Startup script for the intro tune.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 20 Jan 2023 07:47 
Hmmm... I must have used some different method then

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 Enable bootup intro tune

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