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Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /  

Changing the Windows folder location for AK0 amikit.hdf file

Author andyhants
#1 Posted: 29 Dec 2022 20:39 
Playing with my new version of AmiKit XE I got myself for Xmas & I'm having a lot of fun. I want to change the location of the main Amikit system HD file for AK0 Amikit.hdf from its current position in C:\Program Files\AmiKit XE\ to a 'WinUAE HDs' folder I have on my mirrored L:\ drive for better resilience. Obviously I would be setting this up in the WinUAE CD & Hard Files config area by changing the Path of AK0 (having copied over amikit.hdf first). I haven't done any of the AmiKit Live Updates yet (from 11.5 to 11.9). My question is if I do this & the WinUAE config then has the mirred L: drive folder as the path for AK0, will AmiKit still run properly including the AmiKit Live Updates?

I have tried testing this & from a quick play it seems to work fine - I can run say DirOpus fine on AK0 & run WHDLoaded Demos on AK0. I guess my real question is - are there any aspects of AmiKit XE that are 'hard-coded' to the installation default C:\Program Files\AmiKit XE\ folder for AK0 or does it always use the prevailing AK0 path as setup in the WinUAE config file (which is how I think it would be) ?

On a related point - is there a reason why so much of the AmiKit XE configuration now seems to reside under the Rabbithole subfolder Vs how it was with say AmiKit X & would I be also be asking for trouble if I wanted to move these around (do eg move ROMS up a folder) ?

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 29 Dec 2022 20:44 
Hello, all paths in AmiKit is set relatively. That means that you can copy/move the whole AmiKit folder anywhere. But if you altered and saved the config in WinUAE, it was saved with absolute paths so then copy/move elsewhere probably won't work.

The reason why most of the stuff was moved to RabbitHole is that I can reach those files from within Amiga. That, for instance, allows me to update winuae.exe from Amiga side. Magic.

Author andyhants
#3 Posted: 30 Dec 2022 19:45 
Ok thanks Jan. I think I'll perseverve with my AK0 paths on the mirrored L: drive it seems to be pretty stable.

On a seperate note, can you please advise how I can stop AmiKit displaying the Favourites drawer (the one with the Star icon)? I thought it would be 'put-away' type thin but its not & I don't want to delete the actual drawer. Is there something in one of the startup sequences perhaps that hard-codes it onto the desktop at startup or something ?


Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 2 Jan 2023 14:58 
Hello, simply move the Favorites folder away from DOpus5:Groups folder

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 Changing the Windows folder location for AK0 amikit.hdf file

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