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Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /  

retrobit USB gamepad

Author ItsTheSmell
#1 Posted: 3 May 2022 17:43 
Hello fellow Amigans!
I'm trying to use the above gamepad on my Pi400 and I'm having difficulty in setting it up in amikit. Is there a USB gamepad that works out of the box with said machine/OS?

Author ItsTheSmell
#2 Posted: 3 May 2022 20:27 
The joypad is new and it does work on a PC. Some buttons work within amikit but they don't make sense if you get me. Within amikit I can't get it to see the joypad, only a Bluetooth pad which isn't connected (its built into amikit).

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 5 May 2022 11:13 
Hello, if the joypad is correctly recognized by Manjaro Linux, you can configure in Amiberry Input and/or Custom Controls settings.

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 retrobit USB gamepad

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