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Amikit Desktop and WHDLoad

Author JoeBlo
#1 Posted: 31 Mar 2022 11:07 
Hi. I have 3 issues with my Amikit install.
1: Changing the desktop background with menus or selecting the installed png wallpapers in the Backgrounds folder won't save when Amikit is run next.

2: Amikit Shell windows won't close when close-box is clicked or endcli is written.

3: WHDLoad installs run about 4-6x too fast. I've tried this in WHDLoad global prefs=>
ExecuteStartup=uae-configuration cachesize 0 cycle_exact true
ExecuteCleanup=uae-configuration cycle_exact false cpu_speed max cachesize 8192
and also cpu_multiplier x calls. Not effective.
Disabling JIT and running in A500/1200 mode is far too slow for the Amikit desktop when set as WinUAE config.
What is everybody else doing with WHDLoad in Amikit?


Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 31 Mar 2022 14:45 

1. To change wallpaper, press the right mouse button over a picture file and select "Set as background". Don't forget to save your settings - press the right mouse button and select "Settings" -> "Save layout". To change other background images, use Directory Opus settings (right mouse button -> "Settings" -> "Environment..." -> "Backgrounds")

For more tips & tricks please refer to Quick Guide:

2. Is it the case of all Shell windows or just some specific one only? More info required:

3. Is it the case of all WHDLoad installs or just some specific one only? What about the pre-installed Another World game?
As far as I remember, you can control settings by icon tooltypes too, eg. perhaps NoCache might help. More info here:

Author JoeBlo
#3 Posted: 31 Mar 2022 15:33 
Hi. Thanks. 1: The desktop background now saves with the save layout command. I also had to reset WinUAE display settings to Full Screen as it reverted to the Windowed state.

2: I'm using Windows 10 PC with AF roms auto installed on the latest Amikit release. When the shell window is called from the icon at the bottom of the desktop. and Endcli is invoked or the window is closed with the mouse it reads «process 13 ending». I've just found this is only when ED is used and a saved file is closed with the window close button. When FILE=>Close all and Die is selected this doesn't happen...

3: Some WHDLoad installs are ok. I have around 300 installs in a folder and they all have correct timing on my real A1200 but in Amikit Winuae they vary a lot. Buggy Boy for instance is @ 6x times too fast and stage time runs out. I've tried Nocache tooltype. Not effective.


Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 31 Mar 2022 17:24 

1. The WinUAE configs were replaced in the 11.6.1 update - maybe that's why it reverted.

2. I was able to reproduce it here. It seems like that ED (microgolded) stays in memory even if you close it - and that's why the Shell window cannot be closed. You can run AmiKit:Tools/Commodities/Exchange to see which programs are in memory. Microgolded is one of them. If you remove it in the Exchange, the Shell will close itself too.

3. Can you send me that Buggy Boy by email so I can check it here? Thanks.

Author JoeBlo
#5 Posted: 1 Apr 2022 03:25 
Hi Thank You for the info. Email with link sent.

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 2 Apr 2022 16:24 
Thank you. I can confirm it runs VERY fast.

For now the only solution I see is to:
- launch the game
- press F12, in WinUAE CPU settings switch the CPU Emulation Speed from «Fastest possible» to «Approximate A500/1200 or cycle-exact»
- play the game
- after you quit the game, press F12 again and switch back to «Fastest possible» settings.

Sorry for the inconvenience.

Author JoeBlo
#7 Posted: 2 Apr 2022 23:40 
Ok Thank You.

Author JoeBlo
#8 Posted: 3 Apr 2022 15:15 
Games seem to run at normal speed now with this in global WHDLoad prefs:

ExecuteStartup=uae-configuration cpu_speed real cpu_multiplier=2 cycle_exact true cachesize 0
ExecuteCleanup=uae-configuration cycle_exact false cpu_speed max cachesize 8192

Although games take about 60 seconds to load due to 7mhz cpu speed.

Author JoeBlo
#9 Posted: 9 Apr 2022 07:00 
...Multiplier=4 is better (14mhz cpu as set in Winuae config)

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 Amikit Desktop and WHDLoad

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