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Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /  

AmiKit 11.6.1 update problem (Mac and Windows)

Author ckrokosh
#1 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 00:10 
I have Amikit XE for both Mac and Windows. I updated the windows. version to 11.6.1 this afternoon through the live update. Everything looked good and after it completed it asked me to press enter to reboot. Now Amikit just launches to an AmigaDos prompt 1>

I tried the update on my Mac as well, and get the same results. I did back up my Mac version so i could revert

Amikit worked fine prior to this update.

Any help would be appreciated.

Author ckrokosh
#2 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 01:17 
Running Windows 10 and Big Sur. I used AmigaForever 2016 when I initially installed AmiKit. Let me know if you need any more information.

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 06:25 
Hello. Did you change your default WinUAE config before? Or some paths, or hardfile or ROM location?

Please send me an email, or contact me via Discord.

Thank you and I am sorry for the inconvenience.

Author ckrokosh
#4 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 07:07 
No changes to any of the configs or locations. I just sent you an email.
Thanks for the support.

Author Guest
#5 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 08:02 
And I replied. Let's get this fixed!

Author radar103
#6 Posted: 19 Mar 2022 09:42 
Got the same issue on windows 10. After update and reboot launches to an AmigaDos prompt 1

Author skateman
#7 Posted: 20 Mar 2022 14:20 
I get Update corrupted after having downloaded the update and the system has rebooted.

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 20 Mar 2022 14:31 
Hello, the update is fixed now. It affected systems updating from 11.4.3 or earlier versions only.

If the downloaded archive is corrupted, please try to download it again later. Or use a different internet connection, if possible.

Author skateman
#9 Posted: 20 Mar 2022 14:43 
Nope its still corrupted... Where does it put the temp download before extracting??
I update from 11.6.0

Author skateman
#10 Posted: 20 Mar 2022 14:52 
All fixed... was a buffer setting in my firewall....

Author AmiKit
#11 Posted: 20 Mar 2022 17:19 
Glad it works for you now!

Author ckrokosh
#12 Posted: 21 Mar 2022 00:44 
Both my Mac and Windows installs have successfully updated to 11.6.1. Thanks for the support.

Specific questions AmiKit Support Forum / Specific questions /
 AmiKit 11.6.1 update problem (Mac and Windows)

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