Hi there!
I have recently sold my A1200 and moved to using emulation! I have installed Amikit succesfully and I am now optimising the WINUAE emulation settings. I have installed Amikit with my A1200 rom file and my OS 3.9 CD.
I have succesfully adjusted the sound buffer size settings to 4 (was 10) so I have no delay between the sound and the screen display anymore. Next step would be for me to change the CPU emulation speed to 'cycle-exact'. The default setting is fastest possible, but this does not work properly when I run a game.
If I change the setting to cycle exact, Amikit will not launch anymore. It starts to launch significantly slower than with 'fastest possible' setting which is logical and if I change the CPU from a 020 to a 030 or 060 it starts quicker (but not as quick as with 'fastest possible' selected. However, if I choose 'cycle-exact' I get a workbench error saying: 'At least one window (of an alien program') is still open in the boot screen. ShowAmiga96 will stay in the background untill all windows are closed'.
Any idea how to solve this?
Thanks! |