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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

Amikit V111 & Scsi drives

Author zrveto
#1 Posted: 13 Apr 2006 19:31 
I'm a newbie with Amikit. V111 installed flawlessly using Ami OS XL cd. WOW!! I am impressed. How do I contribute to a magnificent work?

Second question: All of my old Amiga OS (V3.9) and data are contained in a separate Tower of five scsi drives. Before Amithlon went down due to new mobo, I could access the tower drives through a scsi controller card. I ran HD Toolbox from Amikit but no drives showed up; not internal ide or scsi or usb. Yet all ide and usb drives show on Amikit, but no scsi.

Request help.


Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 13 Apr 2006 21:28 
I'm a newbie with Amikit. V111 installed flawlessly using Ami OS XL cd. WOW!! I am impressed. How do I contribute to a magnificent work?

Depends on what your skills are... you can paint some nice backdrop picture for AmiKit or write some usefull proggie... Or you can buy an interesting toy for my new kitty Eliska :) Or just send $1million via PayPal ;)

Well, with regards to SCSI harddisk, I am not familiar with this type. Actually I've never used it. However if you mounted it properly into your PC, you can always try to activate it using the WinUAE settings:

Run AmiKit GUI and press the "Configure WinUAE" button. Then go to "Hard drives" section and press the "Add Hard Drive..." button. You should be able to mount your Amiga harddrives here and then use them in AmiKit.

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 Amikit V111 & Scsi drives

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