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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

AmigaOS 3.2.2

Author DRJoeyPC
#1 Posted: 4 Mar 2023 00:33 
- your host platform = Windows
- which AmigaOS = AmigaOS 3.2.1 (47.3) & ROM version 47.102

As of today Hyperion Entertainment released update3.2.2.lha and it includes the Roms. From past experience I needed to update from AmigaOS 3.9 to AmigaOS 3.2.1 through MorpheuZ and not through runing the the install scripts. When I used the install scripts to do the installation it borked my Amikit.hdf. It Booted into workbench instead of AmiKit. So I wont do that again. After installing through MorpheuZ I noticed a popup the shortly notified me of AmiKit making adjustments and the system rebooted into AmiKit with the updates installed.

The question is could you update AmiKit XE to be able to install the new AmigaOS 3.2.2 ?

Thank you very much.

Author radar103
#2 Posted: 4 Mar 2023 16:22 
Tried to install OS 3.2.2 update and get error Device Pipe is already mounted.
The new Rom seems to boot ok.

Author saghalie
#3 Posted: 4 Mar 2023 22:58 
Has AmiKit said that they support that version yet?

Author DRJoeyPC
#4 Posted: 6 Mar 2023 14:37 
radar103 thus far that is one of many issues within amkit. But have you tried to straight up install the update as if it were on a winuae or real amiga. It looks as though the pipe error is a pipe.device error such as version mismatch? The original intention of this post is to get a request up to AmiKit as I prefer to stay within AmiKit and not break out into winuae or place on real hardware at this time.

Author DRJoeyPC
#5 Posted: 6 Mar 2023 14:39 
Saghalie I would like to refer you to my prior response to radar1031. I chose this forum to make a request to AmiKit for support

Author radar103
#6 Posted: 6 Mar 2023 17:41 
Can anyone at Amikit give any advice?
Will the new Amiga OS 3.2.2 be supported in the upcomimg Amikit 12 release ?

Author AmiKit
#7 Posted: 10 Mar 2023 19:33 
Hello and sorry for the delay. It seems my forum email notification stopped working, for some reason, and thus I haven't noticed new threads here. My apologies.

With new AmiKit 12 you will be able to update to the AmigaOS 3.2.2 using Morpheuz.

Author DRJoeyPC
#8 Posted: 11 Mar 2023 07:56 
Thank you for your response

Author radar103
#9 Posted: 11 Mar 2023 09:07 
Thanks much appreciated, looking forward to Amikit 12

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 AmigaOS 3.2.2

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