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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

Flowerpot gather mysterious ralphschmidt-cyberstorm-ppc-4471.rom file with non-zero size

Author robsten
#1 Posted: 22 Dec 2022 16:00 
Having investigating Amiga Forever 10 for this needed file I was wondering how come there is so less (public) information available where to find this file actually with data in it.
Maybe some kind of © issue here.
Well for me it did not turn out to be easily found. A general information that it would be «created» within AF looked quite different in reality.

I easily found the folder with all other OS roms beginning with A500 up to A4000T, but then only an empty ralphschmidt-cyberstorm-ppc-4471.rom file.
I specifically «again» had to create a dvd iso image out of AF which then actually had the proper file in the roms folder.

A step probably no one would do since already owning an installable iso image. Maybe there are more ways to succeed, I'm curious.

Anyway I managed to get AmigaOS4.1FE installed and running on LMDE5 and now can go on exploring which transition this coolest piece of OS has undergone the last decade.

Also my appreciation for Jan and his supporters for their hard work to get it working on all major Platforms (no M1 yet, but who cares).

Keep it up.

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 Flowerpot gather mysterious ralphschmidt-cyberstorm-ppc-4471.rom file with non-zero size

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