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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

ixemul library version error during applying all updates from the installer I have from 2020

Author tnoyce
#1 Posted: 29 Nov 2022 14:54 
Running on Win 11, Amikit XE.

During the live update process, I see several warnings about the version of iexmul library, claiming it has to be 47 or newer. Updates state they are failing to process some files, though when things are complete, version has been updated to the new one.

Looking through the folders, it appears version 48 is the one in the libs folder.

Is there a full install for the newest version of AmiKit XE? I'd like to try installing that rather than relying on the older install from 2020 and having to re-apply updates.

Thanks in advance

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 29 Nov 2022 14:58 
Hi Tim, I will sent you a new installer. Uninstall your current AmiKit meanwhile and delete its folder afterwards as well.

Hope that helps and sorry for the inconvenience.

Please let me know. Thank you.

Author DrRosenRosen
#3 Posted: 14 Jan 2024 23:49 
hello everyone, I have the same problem with my Vapmire.lzx version. What should I do? Thanks in advance. Greetings Stefan

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 29 Jan 2024 08:56 

Hello and sorry for the late reply. The support is now provided on Discord only:
Which Vampire HW do you have? And when exactly does the problem appear? Have you tried Apollo OmniBoot to install AmiKit?

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 ixemul library version error during applying all updates from the installer I have from 2020

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