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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

Using Amikit, I found OS 3.2 upgrade - but does not work?

Author pikewerfer
#1 Posted: 23 Nov 2022 15:29 
Hi guys,

I just found the «upgrade to OS 3.2» option - cool stuff. My first question would be: does that actually give any benefits? Right now, my OS says «AF» (which I assume means Amikit something). Is it a good idea to upgrade?

Second question: I naturally tried it - after backing up my Amikit - and received two error messages:

Modules1200_3.2 missing...
Update3.2.1. lha missing...

Press ENTER to exit

Am I «missing» something?

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 23 Nov 2022 22:48 
Hello, the AF means that you installed AmiKit with Amiga Forever and if I could recommend I would stay on that system.

But if you really want to try OS3.2, simply copy all OS3.2 ADF files to RabbitHole, including Update3.2.1.lha and the rest looks like this:


Author pikewerfer
#3 Posted: 25 Nov 2022 10:07 
Thanks for the info. I think I will NOT do this then. Since I cannot find any real benefit of doing it - what would I gain? Seems like there is nothing really that OS3.2 offers that I do not already have available right now with my AF installation.

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 Using Amikit, I found OS 3.2 upgrade - but does not work?

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