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Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /  

Morpheus Live Update fail

Author rrhaegar
#1 Posted: 19 Mar 2021 02:33 

I use ambit xe version 11.0. If I try live update I always get a server connection fail after a while.
What went wrong? Please help.

Greetings rrhaegar

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 19 Mar 2021 09:23 
Hello, I've just tried LiveUpdate in AmiKit 11.0.0 on my Mac and everything went fine. Try this: In LiveUpdate window, switch to Advanced tab and click both "Set default" buttons and then "Save" button.

If it doesn't help, you could try to re-install AmiKit? I've just sent you the download link again. Let me know.

Author rrhaegar
#3 Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:51 
Thanks for the Link you send me. The problem is still alive.
This is my real Problem.

I ve I try to update my current Version 11.0.0 via morpheus I
get this message: network error while downloading the size
of the download before this message pop up is different sometimes
600KB, then 1MB then 400kb but the download breaks up every time
I try.
I need Version 11.4.2

Please help / Thanks

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 19 Mar 2021 11:55 
Please install TeamViewer from and contact me by email please.

Author rrhaegar
#5 Posted: 19 Mar 2021 12:00 
i sent you an email with subject Team Viewer is running an my data.

Installation questions AmiKit Support Forum / Installation questions /
 Morpheus Live Update fail

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