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Subscription invalid or expired

Author ronaldlens
#1 Posted: 30 May 2022 23:01 
Hi Support/Jan

First of all thanks for creating Amikit. It works extremely well on my M1 Mac (so many nested emulation layers now). I've purchased Amikit a week ago and just tried to do a live update to 11.6.0 which it tells me is the version to download. I've entered my email and customer from my download page. But once it reboots and tries to install it, it states the subscription is invalid or expired. Am I doing something wrong?

Thanks in advance

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 31 May 2022 01:35 
Hello Ronald and welcome! Thank you for your kind words and feedback too!

Regarding Live Update, make sure you entered correct details into the correct fields, and there are no extra spaces before or after.

If it still doesn't work, please send me a screenshot of your subscription tab by email and I will check it for you:


Author Lama
#3 Posted: 13 Jan 2023 16:21 
I do have the same Problem. i cant update even though i entered my credentials into the live updater.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 13 Jan 2023 16:23 
Hello, like I said before, please check you entered correct details into the correct fields. If it still does not work, please send me a screenshot of AmiKit LiveUpdate Subscription tab to or via Discord and I will check it for you.

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 Subscription invalid or expired

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