Hello, this is Vangolen. I seem to be lost my login, so I had to make a new account. The core version is 2.14 gold (?). Until now I still haven't the system up and running. The Amiga is an A2000 with Kickstart 3.2.1 for A2000 flashed into the vampire. Starting the installation for OS 3.2 works fine. The filesystem is fastfilesystem and I also tried pfs3, but then I can not write to the cf because the disksize is negative. When I decrunch the archive to DH0:, all seems to be okay. But when the final question comes to press enter, the a2000 restarts with disk errors. No commands like Dir, List, Assign can be used and the machine will not startup. When start without startup-sequence, I can only browse trough the files using Dir from workbench floppy.
Is there a way to install Amikit on an A2000, or did a wasted my money? |