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Vampire related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Vampire related questions /  

Cdrom Support

Author mark8564
#1 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 13:57 
Hi just wondering do i need to install software to get Cdrom support to work on the Amikit XE Vampire v2 for the Amiga 500, or does come with Amikit Xe i have tried a cdrom but doesn't work on my system.

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 14:19 
Hi Mark. I haven't used a real CD-ROM for more than a decade, but looking inside the AmiKit archive, there is CD0 driver located in AmiKit:Storage/DOSDrivers. It uses L:CacheCDFS filesystem, which I believe is part of AmigaOS3.9. So, if you used OS3.9 to install AmiKit, the CacheCDFS files should be present in L: folder and thus the CD0 DOSDriver should activate the CD-ROM, hopefully.

Author mark8564
#3 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 14:49 
Hi, i think i used Amiga OS 3.1.4 to install Amikit XE, it's been a bit since i installed amikit XE over a year ago, i do have idefix-97 but they is no installer for it.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 14:57 
I've just re-activated your download link - just in case you'd like to re-install your AmiKit. I mean the OS3.9 is still better (and on the Vampire even more stable) system than OS3.1.4. IMHO.

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 15:00 

Author mark8564
#6 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 15:18 
Thanks will give it a go, will let you know if it's works, thank's for the help

Author mark8564
#7 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 15:24 
Hi, what size is the download for Amikit xe for the Vampire have downloaded it compressed size is only 329mb does that look right, i thought it was bigger than that.

Kind Regards

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 15:29 
Yes, the LZX archive is around 329MB. There's an image file too, but perhaps you purchased AmiKit when the image file was not offered yet. Let me fix it for you.

Author mark8564
#9 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 16:05 
Don't know it was on the compact flash card that i boughtfrom your website i think it was a 16gb card, not sure will have a look.

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 16:12 
No problem, I've sent you a CF image link.

Author mark8564
#11 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 16:25 
ok thank you

Author mark8564
#12 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 19:28 
Do i unzip it or just burn straight to compact flash using balenaEtcher

Author AmiKit
#13 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 19:39 
No uzip. It's an .xz archive directly accepted by balenaEtcher.

Author mark8564
#14 Posted: 5 Jan 2022 20:45 
Ok cheers

Vampire related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Vampire related questions /
 Cdrom Support

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