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Vampire related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Vampire related questions /  

AmiKit XE 11.3 on Vampire V4 Problems with Mui

Author Lord1976
#1 Posted: 16 Nov 2020 22:29 

have Buy Amikit for Vampire and install it on my V4. So far so good, when i start Ibrowse and other Applications , WB shows a Requester: Failed to open muimaster.library?You need Mui3.8 or later... What means my wb here?

Author Lord1976
#2 Posted: 16 Nov 2020 22:40 
Edit: After open Mui Prefs -> Klick on Save, ibrowse opens. After Reboot, the same, after opening mui and save works ???

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 16 Nov 2020 22:42 
Hello and welcome to the Forum. First of all, please let me know which core version do you have and which AmigaOS&ROM version did you use to install AmiKit.

Author Lord1976
#4 Posted: 16 Jan 2021 02:46 
Hello ,

Use Core R5 now, as basic install for amikit i use OS3.1.4.1 package, problems with ibrowse have gone.
A new problem is: i can not use sysinfo for example, show artifacts red gray screen?

Some random crashes. i think it needs more polish on v4. Have install the new Saga 2.5 package, works now a little better in all.
But this would be a job for the automatic AmiKit updates in my Eyes.

Another Question: how can i change Language in microgolded? i am native german speaker, is there a option todo this?

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 16 Jan 2021 10:24 
Hi and welcome back

The truth is that Apollo doesn't like Hyperion and thus the V4 cores are not tested with OS3.1.4 much.
Apollo doesn't like AmiKit either The last supported core is R3:
For some reason, they don't like Directory Opus Magellan II either so the V4 core might struggle with it.

All in all, the V4 is simply not 100% Amiga compatible yet and that is the reason why you're experiencing random crashes. I am really looking forward to a final and 100% Amiga compatible core - if that is going to be ever released. Meanwhile, it's just a beta product, unfortunately and that's why I was forced to drop AmiKit support on V4 - see my Facebook post for more details:

Anyway, regarding microgolded, I think the English is hardcoded? You can download German version, though:

Vampire related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Vampire related questions /
 AmiKit XE 11.3 on Vampire V4 Problems with Mui

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