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Mac related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Mac related questions /  

macOS Ventura and Nintendo ProController

Author rsucre
#1 Posted: 9 Jan 2023 21:13 
macOS Ventura 13.1 (22C65)

macOS now has support for Nintendo Pro Controller (bluetooth). It is detected and working. How can I get it working with AmiKit/WinUAE? The Pro Controller shows in the dropdown list in Game ports section of WinUAE, but the Test function does not detect any input.

Is there any recommended/supported game controller that works on macOS? For instance, only USB game controllers are supported?

Thanks for your guidance.

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 9 Jan 2023 21:42 
Hello and welcome! It's a good sign that it is detected by WinUAE, at least. If you test the controller in real game conditions, does it detect any input?

You can try to update WinUAE by downloading the latest 32bit ZIP archive

Unpack the archive. Make a backup of your AmiKit app on Mac. Then right-click it and select Show Package Contents. Find WinUAE folder and replace old winuae.exe with the new winuae.exe there.

Hope it helps?

Author ckrokosh
#3 Posted: 18 Mar 2023 03:12 
Did this work for you? I have a Logitech f310 and have never had it working in Amikit. (Same as you...shows up but doesn't detect input). Pretty sure its a WINUAE issue. I installed a standalone version of WINUAE through crossover (I'm on a Mac) and had the same problem.

The fix is to launch WINUAE with the command line switch -norawhid. This worked for me on my crossover install of WINUAE. Unfortunately this isn't an option in the WINUAE GUI and I can't see a way in AMIKIT to launch WINUAE with command line options.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 18 Mar 2023 14:31 
Yes, you can launch WinUAE in AmiKit that way too. Just look into amikit.ini which is in the same folder as AmiKit.exe and modify the RunApplication line. That one is executed if you press the Launch button of the AmiKit launcher.

Author ckrokosh
#5 Posted: 18 Mar 2023 15:37 
Thanks! I added the -norawhd to the runamikit and configwinuae lines and now my gamepad works in both the games and when I launch the configuration from the amikit launcher.

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 18 Mar 2023 23:37 

Mac related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Mac related questions /
 macOS Ventura and Nintendo ProController

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