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Manjaro Linux Update, Amiberry No longer Loading

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Author illy
#1 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 18:55 
This was discussed in another thread with the proposed solution being unpack the new binary from their github and copy it over the old old. This is not working for me. Perhaps permissions issues?

I had to edit my boot config to get my mouse working per that other thread and I still have that change in place with the OS if that matters.


--- from other thread ---

Hi there! New Linux requires new Amiberry. Please grab it from here:
Unpack and copy the binary to Amiberry folder and replace the old Amiberry there.

EDIT: Also copy new Amiberry/data folder. Otherwise Amiberry window might be closing because of missing png and icon files.

Hope it helps?

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 21:36 
Hello, please check the permissions of the binary. In Amiberry folder right-click the amiberry file and select Properties. Then switch to Permissions tab and make sure the «Allow this file to run as a program» checkmark is enabled.

Author illy
#3 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 21:54 
Hello, please check the permissions of the binary. In Amiberry folder right-click the amiberry file and select Properties. Then switch to Permissions tab and make sure the «Allow this file to run as a program» checkmark is enabled.
Yes I have done this and it does't affect it. Also tried opening permissions with chmod 777 to the binary and matching it to the previous versions with no luck.

Author illy
#4 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 21:57 
Funny thing is if I leave boot mode on it will boot into a really messed up workbench that looks like P96 isn't working and I can quit from there. Double clicking on «Amikit» from the manjaro desktop or executing the amiberry binary brings up a screen for a second that vanishes.

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 22:04 
Have you replaced the binary only or some more files from the new Amiberry archive?

If I understand correctly, Amiberry launches if Boot Mode is enabled? While in that messed up Workbench, try to execute C:AmiKitReset commands. Or just reset and boot without startup-sequence (by holding down both mouse buttons) and then execute the command. Then reboot and AmiKit should ask you for a screen mode again - select a 32bit mode. Is the Workbench still messed up then?

Author illy
#6 Posted: 4 Oct 2022 22:13 
Hello. Using the C:AmiKitReset commands worked and now with boot mode on, it starts up correctly. I still cannot modify any settings in amiberry as I cannot get it to load from the desktop still. The only file I copied over was the binary. I see additional new files ( and new stuff in whdboot dir) but I have not copied any of them into the amiberry dir.

Author SilkWorm
#7 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 01:40 
I have replaced some more files resulting with AmiBerry not starting at all.
Now I am installing Linux upgrade after imaging a fresh mSD card, will try replacing only binary after that to see if that works.

Author SilkWorm
#8 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 02:19 
Replacing the amiberry binary and setting check mark next to Program in Permissions tab of file properties solves the issue with Amikit not starting after Manjaro upgrade.

But there is another one - after starting AmiKit and running LiveUpdate, it downloads version 11.8.1 which includes amiberry 5.3.
When update installation is done, Amikit is not working again.

The solution is of course to overwrite 5.3 binary with version 5.4 again.

Author AmiKit
#9 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 11:55 
@illy Make sure you updated Manjaro completely to the latest version. There is «Update Linux» entry in Start Menu for that. The latest Amiberry 5.4 was build for this latest version and should work fine with or without the boot mode.

@SilkWorm, you're right. I will need to release a new AmiKit update including the latest Amiberry.

Author ingels
#10 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 13:45 
Got into the same problem myself . I am a Computer Geek but with little knowhow in Linux I managed to download Amiberry 5.4 and unpack it. Not sure what else that had happened to AmiBerry but Workbench was no longer working and after having tried the AmikitReset in CLI it failed fixing things Im giving this a rest :\

@Amikit Do license owners get notifications when a new version is available ?

Author AmiKit
#11 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 14:15 

Again, make sure you updated Manjaro completely to the latest version. There is «Update Linux» entry in Start Menu for that. The latest Amiberry 5.4 was build for this latest version and should work fine.

Btw. AmiKitReset command, among other things, resets the screen mode settings so on the next reboot you will asked to choose one. Make sure to select 32-bit one, ideally 1920x1080.

Btw. Live Update app always pops up on Workbench screen when new update is available.

Author illy
#12 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 14:50 
Hello, yes I have updated manjaro completely and still having issues running amiberry from the icon. Boot mode on and it starts fine but I am unable to change any settings from the amiberry gui. I did have to make a change to my majaro config a few months ago to get the mouse working correctly, that change is still in effect in the boot config file.

Author AmiKit
#13 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 15:03 
Sorry for the convenience. I will consult the issue with Amiberry author and get back to you.

Btw. is there any chance you could flash default AmiKit to your SD card and start over? Once installed, update AmiKit first. Then update Linux. Then deliver Amiberry 5.4 (Manjaro edition, not Debian), restart Raspberry and it should work, hopefully.

Author illy
#14 Posted: 5 Oct 2022 21:50 
Thanks for the reply. I cannot re-flash unfortunately as I am running on old scene bbs 24/7 on it and was barely able to get it working and don't want to lose any of my work. I am also barely competent using Linux so I will just wait for future guidance. For now I can live with it starting via boot mode on.

Author AmiKit
#15 Posted: 7 Oct 2022 13:05 
I understand. Perhaps you could re-flash to another SD card and then just copy AmiKit folder there. Or you can copy your AmiKit folder to USB stick, re-flash the original SD card and then copy the AmiKit folder back.

Also, make sure you used 64-bit Manjaro binary (not the Debian one).

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 Manjaro Linux Update, Amiberry No longer Loading

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