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Linux related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Linux related questions /  

WinUAE paused - how do I un-pause ?

Author amikit_noob
#1 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:28 
Specs: mx linux 19, linux version of amikitxe up to date, winuae 4.2.0 (2019.04.08) using AmiKit.uae (default configuration), playonlinux 4.3.4 with Wine 3.2.1-staging installed inside playonlinux)

Hi, when I use AmiKitXE in windowed mode or full-window mode and then start a RabbitHole program like Firefox and click on Firefox, so the focus goes to Firefox and not AmiKitXE, then WinUAE is automatically paused, and I can not un-pause WinUAE...

I tried F12+p, that just opens WinUAE settings...

Any tips on how to un-pause WinUAE when using windowed and full-window mode ?

Thank you
amikit_ noob

Author AmiKit
#2 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:35 
Hi, the WinUAE should not pause if focus is lost. It just lowers its task priority. Please check the setting in WinUAE - the priority settings is at the bottom.

Author amikit_noob
#3 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 10:51 
Hi, WinUAE shows "PAUSED" in the WinUAE window border, when it is auto paused...

I have now set priorities in WinUAE to:
When In-active: Above Normal (instead of Below Normal)

Maybe this will stop the "pausing" ?


Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 11:56 
You can try that, but "Pause emulation" was not ticket, was it? Maybe check the PlayOnLinux settings too.

Author amikit_noob
#5 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 15:03 

Priorities set to "In-Active: Above Normal" and "CPU to -50%"
seems to have done the trick.

XE has run stable for a couple of hours now, even when I push the system, there is no crashing or "pausing" anymore,
so it seems to be ok now.

No the "Pause emulation" was not ticked, it must have been the priorities setting that "auto-paused" everytime.

So I am happy now, its stable


Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 27 Mar 2020 15:08 
Isn't "Normal" priority enough when inactive?

Linux related questions AmiKit Support Forum / Linux related questions /
 WinUAE paused - how do I un-pause ?

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