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NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /  

AmiKit 1.1.2 UPDATE package available

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 21 Apr 2006 18:40 
This package updates your AmiKit v1.1.1 or v1.1.0 to v1.1.2

AMIKIT 1.1.2 UPDATE (21-Apr-2006):

- ADDED: AKCC 6.3 by Andreas R. Kleinert (POSTCARDWARE)
- UPDATED: AfA_OS 3.93.1
- UPDATED: AWeb 3.5.08 beta
- UPDATED: FileX 2.4
- UPDATED: R (The GUI Generator) 2.18
- UPDATED: Sudoku 1.4
- UPDATED: Workbench.library 45.131 (run "Install Patches" to install it)

NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.1.2 UPDATE package available

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