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AmiKit 1.1.1 Full and Update packages available!

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 7 Apr 2006 13:22 
AmiKit has been updated! There's also a full 1.1.1 archive available for those who want to install AmiKit for the first time easily. For more information and free download please visit

AmiKit 1.1.1 update (07-Apr-2006) - updates your AmiKit v1.1.0 to version 1.1.1

- FIXED: Some TrueType fonts were not copied to AmiKit during previous update. Therefore eg. AWeb did not work correctly with TrueType fonts enabled.
- FIXED: Latest "Install Patches" failed in specific circumstances.

Author Anonymous
#2 Posted: 9 Apr 2006 22:15 
I have probs with DOpus_DClick
since last update 1.1.1 will not longer work

Author Anonymous
#3 Posted: 9 Apr 2006 23:41 
Any probs with AmiStart
No bubbles show correct
DOpus_DClick problem allways red Warnscreen when use image more as 350K byte

My old version 1.04 of Amikit have no problem read my images.
All work fine
any with update 1.1.1 many probs

Sorry for my bad english

Author Anonymous
#4 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 01:25 
I have always this GURU when i doubleclick of a Picture

80000003 Speziell: Illegaler Adre?zugriff
ShowGuru: Adressierungsfehler. Es wurde scheinbar auf Variablen des Typs Word oder Longword zugegriffen, welche sich an einer ungeraden Adresse befand. Dieser Fehler kommt oft bei indirekter Adressierung vor.
LastGURU: Bad aligned address

ERROR: 80000003 TASK: 10030F80

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 15:31 
Hello, thanks for bugreport.
I am unable to reproduce the problem here. DOpus_DClick works fine even with large pictures. Anyway, this proggie pass the files to PicShow (if pictures are doubleclicked) so maybe there's something wrong with PicShow on your configuration. But I did not touch PicShow (nor DOpus_DClick) since v1.04 update. I updated picture datatypes only (akPNG, akJFIF, akTIFF, akGIF), maybe that's the reason. What format is the picture in? Can you please send it to me? By the way, are you sure you have enough memory assigned to AmiKit? Because PicShow sometime crashes in low-memory conditions.

Author Anonymous
#6 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 16:01 
Yes i have enough mem 8-Fast and my Sysmem from Window.

Gforce 7800 GTX 521MB Ram
Sreenresolution 1280X1024
CPU AmD 4000+ 2,7GB
Picture-Datatype *.Jpg

I use 'Image2Icon' Paste any 30-40 Pictures in a Folder make Thumbnails
from the pictures.
Open the Folder doubleclick image 'Amiga crash with GURU:80000003

ATTN: Only crash when i open the *.hdf and doubleclick pictures
doubleclick of desktop "Folder show only with text , Pictures show fine"

Sorry for my English ;) I hope you understand me.

Author AmiKit
#7 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 16:24 
Yes i have enough mem 8-Fast

Do you mean 8MB of FastRAM? This is not enough for AmiKit! Deafult AmiKit 1.1.1 memory configuration should look like this:

Chip = 2MB
Fast = none
Slow = none
Z3 Fast = 128MB
RTG = 32MB

There should be title of the GURU message telling you what program crashed, is it PicShow? I do not understand the rest :)

Author Anonymous
#8 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 16:47 
Hmm ..

I have
Chip =2
Fast =8
Z3Fast =512

I use the App... 'Image2Icon' You understand? ;) OK
You can find it on

This is the Author of SGrab used in AmiKit !!! You understand? ;) OK

USe a Folder with pictures
make Thumbnails in this Folder with 'Image2Icon' You understand ? ;)

Open the Folder klick on the Icon='Thumb' from Picture and Amikit crash

Author AmiKit
#9 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 17:19 
With regards to your memory settings, I think this is too much, actually more than your physical memory. Try to set it to default values as I mentioned before.

Ok, I created icons with "Image2Icon". I doubleclicked these newly created icons and DOpus_DClick called PicShow that displayed the picture. Everything is OK here.

Please send me the screenshot before and after the crash. Press End+PrintScreen to make them.

Author Anonymous
#10 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 19:39 
it's fellow

All *.hdf Harddrive is "FFS"
Only my Picture.hdf has "FFS (I)" i understand what is the difference (I) and not (I)

I have localisation the problem
1. when run AmiKit first time , open my Picture.hdf and click of any picture
AmiKit give me GURU.

2. when run AmiKit first time , open the Harddrive Amikit then my Picture.hdf and click of any Picture all works fine.

i understand what is the difference

Sorry i have no Space for upload any screenshot

ATTN: I have post the Change Theme here (MorpheuZ- Script)
Can you in the next Release when install German .. install MorpheuZ-Script in German language ?? only english i can show.

Author Anonymous
#11 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 19:42 
Great when you change Fonts, Background,Patterns,Requester on the fly ;)

Author Anonymous
#12 Posted: 10 Apr 2006 20:00 
***** Great when you change Fonts, Background,Patterns,Requester on the fly ;) *****

I can send my MorpheuZ-Folder to you 3.5MB that you can test it! ;)
Make a update from your own MorpheuZ-Folder befor use it...
Replace you MorpheuZ-Folder white my MorpheuZ

Author AmiKit
#13 Posted: 11 Apr 2006 13:41 
ok, email your MorpheuZ folder to me, I'll check it out!

Author Anonymous
#14 Posted: 11 Apr 2006 18:09 
Oki Doki ! ;)

Author Anonymous
#15 Posted: 14 Apr 2006 04:44 
It's work now
The problem where WinUAE and my Config File

Greetings AmiFan

NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.1.1 Full and Update packages available!

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