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AmiKit 1.1.0 UPDATE package available

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 28 Mar 2006 18:16 
Dear friends,

let me inform you about the features of new AmiKit 1.1.0 update available at

- AmiKit now supports antialiased TrueType fonts!
- Loading speed of icons has been increased!
- Quality of icon rendering has been improved!
- WinUAE emulation software updated to version 1.2.0
- AmiKit now contains the largest collection of AmigaOS3.9 patches.

NOTE: Make sure your AmiKit is already updated to 1.04 before you
install the 1.1.0 update. To verify the installation please check the
AmiKit:Expansion drawer for log files.

IMPORTANT: If you already installed AfA_OS into your AmiKit, please
remove it completely (especially from startup-sequence or
user-startup) before you install 1.1.0 update!

More information and free download are available at my homepage. I'd like to thank to all people who donated and supported the development!

Author Tarzin
#2 Posted: 30 Mar 2006 14:30 
Downloaded it, installed it and working fine!!!

Thanks a lot for your great job!!!
I think that Amikit is a great solution for any guy who want to come back on Amiga. All hard work is done, and your solution for updating is surelly the best one!

Keep on working!!!

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 30 Mar 2006 14:41 
Thank you very much for feedback... I like it ;)

Author Keith
#4 Posted: 30 Mar 2006 14:50 

Really great update to an excellent product!

Only problem I've noticed is that in the font requesters, I can see Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet, etc listed, but when I select them I just get a blank font preview and the fixed width Amikit font is used. I only seem to be able to use the default Amikit font. Has anyone else found this or know of a solution?


Author Tarzin
#5 Posted: 30 Mar 2006 16:43 
Thank you very much for feedback... I like it ;)

No problem.
It's a pleasure for myself to install (and to use) an update of Amikit.
I like AmigaOs but don't have too much time to look after any update of a library, an utility, etc...
Amikit is the solution I'm expecting!

and your work is not for free...
Your Free time needs at least a small feedback! ;-)

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 31 Mar 2006 15:17 
I can see Arial, Tahoma, Trebuchet, etc listed, but when I select them I just get a blank font preview

During the 1.1.0 update process, the truetype fonts you mentioned are copied from your Windows\Fonts directory to AmiKit:Fonts/Truetype. This should always work under WinXP. However if you use some other version, try to copy the fonts manually. They are named like arial.ttf etc.

Author Anonymous
#7 Posted: 4 Apr 2006 00:21 
Thanks, even though I have WinXP they had not been copied over. Copying them over made them work straight away.

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 4 Apr 2006 13:02 
Please take a look into AmiKit:Prefs/Env-Archive/WinPath and tell me what string it contains, maybe you found a bug ;)

The variable should contain the name of your PC drive where is your Windows installed (eg. WinDH_C:). Then, in AmiKit update script, I read this variable to which I append WINDOWS/Fonts string so the complete path where I look for the Windows truetype fonts looks like this (for example):

Author Keith
#9 Posted: 4 Apr 2006 20:47 
Just took a look and it only contains the string "Win XP" - this is correct for my system although there is no trailing colon in the WinPath file. Would the space potentially cause a problem too?


(sorry the accidental anon post was me too!)

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 5 Apr 2006 17:25 
yep, missing trailing colon was the reason why the fonts were not copied automatically during 1.1.0 update procedure...

NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.1.0 UPDATE package available

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