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NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /  

AmiKit 1.4.3 Live update available

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 20 Jan 2008 00:01 
A new update package is available for download via AmiKit Live Update program. Many applications have been updated, including the popular e-mail clients and others.

- ADDED: xfd_lzma 1.2
- UPDATED: akGIF DataType 45.87
- UPDATED: akJFIF DataType 45.85
- UPDATED: akPNG DataType 45.85
- UPDATED: akTIF DataType 45.85
- UPDATED: codesets.library 6.5
- UPDATED: FlashPlayer 1.4
- UPDATED: FreeDB 13.7
- UPDATED: Kens's browser navigation buttons v1.8
- UPDATED: MCC_BetterString 11.14
- UPDATED: MCC_NList 15.25
- UPDATED: MCC_TextEditor 15.25
- UPDATED: MCC_TheBar 21.5
- UPDATED: microgolded
- UPDATED: MUIbase 2.3
- UPDATED: OpenURL 7.4
- UPDATED: playOGG 8.6
- UPDATED: SimpleMail 0.32
- UPDATED: Smart Filesystem 1.279
- UPDATED: YAM 2.5 (YAMMI theme)


NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.4.3 Live update available

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