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AmiKit 1.4.0 released

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 27 Sep 2007 22:22 
Full AmiKit 1.4.0 package has been released and is available for download. Many things have been re-worked and enhanced (screenshot).

- AmiKit now supports three different working environments: Magellan II, Scalos and Workbench.
- new startup graphics, logos, themes and other graphics painted by Ken Lester.
- all the icons are now provided in 32bit DualPNG format, also painted by Ken Lester.
- AmiKit Launcher is now skinable thanks to Rex Schilasky.
- two registered games has been added as well (with the permission of EMV-Software).

...and much more (changelog)

For more information and free download please visit

Author Tarzin
#2 Posted: 8 Oct 2007 11:26 
Very great work!!
Design is really beautiful

and better, Transcat which was not working since previous releases of amiKit is working again!
Don't know why but it's working!!

Thanks a lot to all contributors of amiKit 1.4.0!!

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 8 Oct 2007 19:36 
Thanks Tarzin. A lot of work has gone into AmiKit 1.4.0.

Author alanwall

#4 Posted: 9 Oct 2007 03:37 
when will the updater be done ?
I want to try it on my laptop
as I dled the 1.4.0 for the tower and it seems to be working now

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 9 Oct 2007 08:06 
As the update package requires additional work and scripting, and my free time is very limited these days, the release might be delayed. I apologize.

Author alanwall

#6 Posted: 13 Oct 2007 20:06 
I understand ! Just was hoping that it would be done by October 21 so I can show what the update process/end results look like for AmiWest. Not sure if you know but the guys from Amiga Radio will be there and they have talked about AmiKit on the show but have never used it and were talking about
getting you on the show.Maybe it could be done during the show ?

Author turrican3
#7 Posted: 24 Oct 2007 17:46 
I just want to say thank you for your great work, amikit is incredible
And want to ask when the update to 1.4 will be available ?

Author AmiKit
#8 Posted: 25 Oct 2007 09:47 
Thanks for your appreciation, turrican3!

The update package 137->140 is almost done. Unfortunately my new job kept me busy for the last couple of weeks and thus prevented me to finish and test the update. Moreover, my situation won't get any better in the following days so I cannot promise anything at the moment

Author turrican3
#9 Posted: 26 Oct 2007 19:40 
you should ask to someone to help you

Author AmiKit
#10 Posted: 2 Nov 2007 00:42 
The update packages are ready now, finally. Download from here.

Author turrican3
#11 Posted: 2 Nov 2007 16:22 
Thank you amikit

Author pgovotsos
#12 Posted: 2 Jun 2008 07:02 
Will Amikit be updated to install with Amiga Forever 2008? 1.4 doesn't seem to like my 2005 CD and I can't find my 2006 CD so I bought 2008 last night so I can install Amikit on my new computer. It doesn't seem to like the ROM files too much. I renamed it to kick.rom and changed config in WinUAE - ROM works. Go to run AmiKit, select AF CD for install, tries to run something/check something and it fails, says wrong version CD try again. Argh.

Does anyone know a work around or will I have to wait for 1.5?
Take care,

Author AmiKit
#13 Posted: 2 Jun 2008 07:32 
Install the AF2008 on your harddisk first and then try to select "AF Installed" button in AmiKit installation.

Note: You're in wrong thread. This is NEWS section. Please use the INSTALLATION ISSUES section if you have more questions regarding the installation. Thanks.

Author pgovotsos
#14 Posted: 2 Jun 2008 08:45 
Sorry, I realized that right AFTER I hit post. I'll try to be more responsible in the future.

NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.4.0 released

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