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AmiKit 1.03 UPDATE package available

Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 24 Dec 2005 01:29 
Merry Christmas! ;)

AmiKit 1.03 update (24-Dec-2005) - note that v1.02 update is required.

- ADDED: AmiKit Polish documentation, translated by Tomek!
- ADDED: AmigaAMP-External68k engine, set as default engine now.
- UPDATED: AmigaAMP 2.16
- UPDATED: IBrowse Preferences 23.3
- UPDATED: Jabberwocky 1.6
- UPDATED: MakeCD 3.2d beta 11
- UPDATED: WHDLoad 16.5 build 4021
- UPDATED: WookieChat 1.9.2
- UPDATED: YAM 2.4p1 + locale files

Download is available at

Author Tarzin
#2 Posted: 26 Dec 2005 19:59 
Great job!
But how can I be sure that Amikit 1.02 has been up upgraded to Amikit 1.03 ?

Author Tarzin
#3 Posted: 27 Dec 2005 07:22 
Is there any requester which show version number of Amikit ?
Thanks a lot for advance.

Author AmiKit
#4 Posted: 27 Dec 2005 19:24 
Look at the AmiKit:Expansion drawer...

Author Tarzin
#5 Posted: 28 Dec 2005 12:25 
Hi Amikit!

Thanks for your answer.

In AmiKit:Expansion drawer I can see 3 files:
- AmiKit_Update101.log
- AmiKit_Update102.log
- RecentAction.log

The last file tells me that "You tried to install v1.02 update into already updated AmiKit :)"
It seems that 1.03 is not installed... True ??

Thanks for your help

Author AmiKit
#6 Posted: 28 Dec 2005 12:57 
It seems you haven't updated AmiKit to version 1.03...

Shut down AmiKit, download and install latest 1.03 update, install it and run AmiKit again. A new file should appear in AmiKit:Expansion drawer:

- AmiKit_Update103.log

containing the text "AmiKit 1.02 successfully updated to version 1.03"
The file "RecentAction.log" should contain the same text. Please let me know if it works for you.

Author Tarzin
#7 Posted: 28 Dec 2005 16:14 

I've understood my problem.
Files for updating were copied in the following folder:
- amikit/amikit/expansion
- amikit/amikit/s
not in amikit/expansion and amikit/s

All is right now, thanks for your help

NEWS AmiKit Support Forum / NEWS /
 AmiKit 1.03 UPDATE package available

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