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Author AmiKit
#1 Posted: 31 Oct 2023 23:39 

This forum will soon turn into an archive with (old) knowledge.

Thank you for your understanding.
Ján, author

Author mdcatdad
#2 Posted: 21 Nov 2023 20:16 
When I do this on Safari I get a reply that «the address is invalid»

I didn't on Chrome but was asked for a Discord password after a
lengthy verification process to prove I'm human

Author AmiKit
#3 Posted: 21 Nov 2023 20:18 
You can download the app from

Author DamnRight
#4 Posted: 21 Jan 2024 18:15 
Will AmiKit have a menued link to Discord?

Author AmiKit
#5 Posted: 21 Jan 2024 19:00 
Yeah, perhaps I should add this to RabbitHole, at least.

#6 Posted: 1 Jul 2024 02:54 
Well I'm new and having issues with the whole setting up process but you sort of confuse me with this use of Discord for the support, why force the use of an Android/IOS and PC/Mac based application for the support you want for something that is none of those said operating systems? It's an OS of it's own Amikit at the very least support chat and or forums should be directly embeded inside the Amikit OS Always and forever, and your definitely going to need support if you want to even change the simplest thing like icon size taskbar width taskbar text and icon text sizes it is shockingly neglected in that area and simplicty is none existant with these changes when it should be priority over every single other thing.

it's the first primary thing you alter in any operating system in order to make the text visible, because in Amikit's native 1080p it is far too illegible with the micro sized text aka the font size that is auto applied and so are all icon sizes you should make the effort to ammend it in all builds before anyone tries to use Amikit because they need to actually be able to read the text beneath the icons and see the icons them selves in order to know what to click on and to become acclimatised to it's layout.

Man it is very ill thought out on that note, but otherwise an extremely impressive emulation overlay, I do need support my self as will others coming in first time for changing the icons on the tastbar their sizes and for the text and icon sizes of the desktop icons and also changing the start bar item menu list text size as well please?

But it makes no sense to abandon support loosing this site in favour of a single none private messenging app that is proprietary and not natively embeddable in the Amikit OS natively wouldn't you just go with mastadon instead and pin a desktop shortcut to the menu either that or port it native app style or web app port it etc etc.

Or better still both apps for supoort not just one that not everyone wants to install on a second device or in their PC to get some support it's actually counter productive financially by doing so you cripple support in favour of personal preference having both apps I suppose you could just copy and paste everything on the Discord into a Mastadon account as well but you'd be doubling the apps on your end and the Amikit launcher and you'd be managing two lots of support at once then, but customers may find it to be less constructive loosing the forum and drop off using Amikit if they rely on the current support outside of premium updates etc that might be included it's not like everyone needs to install Discord when IRC would work faster better and more privately no images but absolutely better privacy than all of them to be fair.

Author wiisoldier
#7 Posted: 1 Jul 2024 16:49 
I see you are using the free AmiKitX version which is for Windows only, so I assume you are using Windows OS. You can access discord via a browser without the need to install anything. Just follow this link for free access and support:

AmiKit changed to Discord as its primary means of support as it creates a home for all users of AmiKit for two reasons.
Firstly you may usually get a much faster response to help with a problem and secondly, any of the hundreds of Discord members, if they are active at the time, can help if they have knowledge of a solution for you.

AmiKit and its website are maintained by just one person. Using Discord means that the owner can get assistance from other knowledgeable users to help new members with their questions.

Lastly, the Discord group is a great way to chat with other like-minded people. There is often chat about ideas for new additions on updates, images from members showing the things they have modified or added and regular updates from many of the Amiga software developers in the community. It is also used as a platform to help developers test their programs before they go live.

I am sorry if you feel this is not the best for you but please drop in to Discord and join in with the community or ask questions when you feel the time is right.

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